Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Good Morning (Seeing Stars)

Hi Elizabeth,

I just wanted to say Good Morning and wish you a happy day. Maybe the temps will come up and you can go to school, get out of the house and do stuff. I have gotta take Pearl to the dentist at 11am, then try yet again with my car in the afternoon, but I will be around, it's just back-and-forth stuff. I will be thinking of you as always, and I love you very much.

oxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

I don't know what I'd do without you........

7:10pm : Hey my Girl. I'm just getting home; crazy traffic tonight. I saw your post about stargazing in the cold. Man, you guys are brave! Going outdoors in below zero, that's hardcore. But, I see you know how to properly bundle up for it. I haven't been in too many cold situations, and I think I've mentioned that probably the coldest I've been might've been in the low 20s, up in the mountains when we used to have snow in the winter (before climate change). But even in that lesser degree of cold, what I remember most is that my feet always froze, no matter what I did or how many pairs of socks I had on under my boots. I always wound up back in Dad's car with the engine running and the heater thaw out my feet. You guys are Cold Professionals, however, and know how to do it right. Great Lakes cold is the coldest, that's what Dad always said, he in childhood being around the Lake Michigan bend from you guys.

So, do you have, or have access to, a telescope? Man, I wish I did, but then I wouldn't be able to see much without driving 60 miles to the desert. I have wanted to get me some high-powered binoculars, because they say you can see quite a bit with those, and I could carry 'em with me on my walks. On a good night I can always see Orion, and Jupiter of course. Venus, too, and sometimes Mars. Other bright stars I don't know the names of, except for Procyon, which I saw in the blog you posted, and which I discovered because I thought it was either Sirius or Betelgeuse, but then I looked up it's position I discovered it was Procyon.

Anyway, it's a blast to look up! I do it just while I'm walking along, through CSUN. I'm always hoping to see Other Stuff, too, haha. Weird Stuff! And, I like to imagine the "geometries of space" that are formed by the alignments of planets and stars. Reading Dr. Farrell has really educated me on all the different physical and metaphysical properties of space, and the idea of the aether or "physical medium". The idea of whether gravity is a "pull" or a "push", stuff like that.

But really what I like most about looking up is the Hugeness Of It All. That, and the Wonder Of The Infinite. You look up, and you just know that you will always be here, in this World.........

Hey, you know what I wanna see? I wanna see the International Space Station! I read that it can be seen in the sky, at certain times, with the naked eye! So I Googled it and found a NASA website that tells you the times for your city or region. But here, it's always like 4:27am or some other Ungodly Hour. So I'm waiting for a more reasonable time.........but wouldn't that be awesome to see?

Well, I am gonna chill for a little bit. I am so happy that my car passed smog. That's a load off my mind, for sure. The guy took one look at my glued-on carbon canister hose and said, "looks good to me". Then he asked if I had the timing adjusted and I told him "no", cause the mechanic told me if I did that, the emissions would go up and my car would fail. So I asked the guy if he could cut me some slack on the timing belt thing, and he said "no problem".

What a Supremely Cool Guy!

So, all my car needed to do was pass the emissions test again, and it did, and now it is good to go for two more years. Yippee!

So, I am happy, and now I can relax, so I am gonna chill for about an hour, then my walk.....and the Night Sky!

I Love You, my fellow Stargazer.    xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:35pm : I am listening to the unusual organ music of Olivier Messiaen. It's the kind of music you have in the background and you let it absorb. Well, nice lady, today was a good day. I will see you tomorrow. I hope all projects are coming along well. Seek out the unusual in all that you do. Not necessarily the weird (though that is good too), but the "other-than-usual"........

xoxoxoxoxoxox  :):)

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