Friday, January 17, 2014

Quake Anniversary (Buildings)

Good Morning, my Angel,

I saw your post, so I guess everything is good. I'm at home. Today is of course the twentieth anniversary of our earthquake, so there's a couple newsvans over at CSUN and across the street at the apartment building where The Meadows used to be. We haven't had a big quake in all that time, since '94, so they say we are due. "They Say" : I wish they wouldn't say that, lol. But we had another big one in 1971, 23 years before Northridge, so I suppose we are due by that measure. I hope it doesn't happen again any time soon.

Well, I'm just gonna hang out for now, no errands to run today. Whatever you are doing or working on, be it music, photography, computers, or just enjoying the day - keep on doing it. :)

All is well, and I love you very much.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a while)

10:50pm : Those are beautiful photos, Elizabeth. You got some very subtle pastel tones in the picture of the barn, and a nice soft look with the horse, and also nice texture. You can almost pet him. I guess he lives at the same location as the barn? And yeah, I love old barns, too, though we don't really have any more in Northridge these days. We used to, though. In the old days, Northridge was known as The Horse Capital Of The West (I think I mentioned that before.......). Yeah, I love old buildings, abandoned buildings, buildings sitting out in the middle of nowhere. The Northridge Meadows was a ruined building. It looked like a gigantic shipwreck of a building. Prior to the quake, it had just been an anonymous stucco apartment house, but was as if it took on all the agony of it's tenants. That was the first time in my life I realised that personality could inhabit a building. We've all heard that, of course, from haunted house stories, but in this case it was observable in the structure itself.

I think that is true in all buildings that have absorbed things, over time, and then been left to sit. In a building that's been "kept up" (i.e. re-painted, remodeled, etc.) you might not see it so much, but you do see it in older and abandoned structures.

It's similar to when you play the same musical instrument over and over for years. That instrument absorbs your energy........and stores it. Therefore, it sounds more and more like You, and vice-versa, your fingers conform to it's contours.

I want to explore the desert one day soon when I have the chance. There are all kinds of abandoned things out there.

Such beautiful light you got on the horse.

It was quite a day, of remembrance and reflection, with a clear view into the future.

I Love You, my Darling. I will see you in the morning.   xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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