Good Morning, my Angel,
I just wanted to say that I saw your post of the Lunaire album cover late last night, and I thought it was perfect, because it was right in tune with what I'd just been writing about - looking at the night sky. The title was also perfect, because we always talk about Dreams, but even more particularly, we have also talked about Inbetweens, many times.
Inbetweens, glimpses......
So when you posted that, it was really cool. I went to bed very happy.
And now, it is a great morning to begin a good week. I Love You, Elizabeth!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
6:50pm : I just got home, and so I have to ask right away : What do you think? I'm talking about "Shelter", of course. I'm sure you heard the stream on Pitchfork. I only listened once, because I find that early releasing of tracks or whole albums kind of dilutes the specialness of waiting for the official release and getting your CD in the mail. But - obviously I had to listen one time! Well, we'd already heard Opale and Delivrance, so we knew what the general sound was gonna be, and that sound is the theme of the album. Wow, he has really gotten some beautiful guitar colors on this one. Deep liquid tones. Some of the songs have that early-90s feel, call it Shoegaze or whatever. Other songs sound like the mystic, non-metal stuff off the first two albums. I love the use of a keyboard wash on some tracks, it allows the vocal melodies to float over the top. It's funny, because he's said he was moving away from a metal/progressive sound, and the metal is gone for sure, but after one listen, I think this is his most progressive sounding record yet. He's never mentioned Pink Floyd, but I would bet he's a fan. Anyhow.........what a sound. The album feels all-of-a-piece, one song leads into the next, like a concept album.
More great music from Neige. :)
I'll tell you what else was great - that lovely picture you posted of the couple. As you commented, it is beautiful indeed, and that's what the world needs more of, people who truly love each other, as is clear of the couple in the picture.
This is a wonderful day, and I Love You, my Angel. I hope your day was good, and I know it had to be because of the Alcest. I am gonna walk down to the Northridge Libe real quick. I have to return some movies before they close at 8pm. Then I will come back. I'll do the majority of my walk later on (didn't do any this afternoon cause I had too many errands........)
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a few)
11:20 : Listening to the Shostakovich piano works I posted on FB. Around the year 2002 or so, I bought a bunch of albums I am now digging out. The 24 Preludes and Fugues is one of them. A really obscure one (but famous) is an album called "Das Klavierwerk", the piano compositions of atonal composer Arnold Schoenberg as played by Mauritzio Pollini. Modern Classical doesn't always work for me, especially the really weird unstructured stuff, but "Das Klavierwerk" is a classic. It's subliminal.
I went for my walk. Super windy out. In a half hour my brother will turn 50. I can still remember him sitting in his crib! I was almost 4. I would try to get him to shake his rattle.........
Time is a trip. Some people think (or say) "life is short". Some think it feels long. I think it's a combination, it's elastic like a rubber band. Moments and memories stretch out and away from you, and then come snapping back as if they happened yesterday......
Well, my Baby, each day is so very good, and I am grateful for every one.
Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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