Saturday, January 18, 2014


Hey Beautiful Lady! There's that million dollar smile again. :) Those are nice photos, even if you can't remember taking them, haha. I'm glad you had a fun New Year's Eve. I am just getting home and doing all the stuff I normally do in the afternoon, like dishes, putting away groceries, etc. We went to a new store today, me and my sister, and she loves shopping - especially in grocery stores - and so we were in there for an hour and fifteen minutes. Then we went to several other stores and to the car wash. Being a guy, I can get in and out of a grocery store in fifteen minutes, but...........ah well, we had fun anyway. But we got back super late, and then it was time for me to go to Pearl's, so now I'm cleaning, then my walk, etc.

Or I could say "the Hell with it", and do everything tomorrow..........  ;)

But I've already started, so I might as well finish. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

I'll be back later. I Love You, Elizabeth!   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : I did wind up getting everything done, including a full walk, so I am happy. I will see you in the morn.  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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