Good Evening, my Darling,
I got home a little while ago and I saw your post. I was wondering where you were all day, and now that I read the post, I can see that it's a complex issue. I don't know if you are referring to something new you are working on, a new song perhaps, or maybe you mean the video you made with Johan. Recently when you posted the still pictures from the video, you mentioned it would be out in less than two weeks, and I was wondering if it was getting close to that time.
Because it would be destined for Youtube, is that what you are referring to, re: the Portraits Of America post? That post refers to baring your soul and then being put up to the scrutiny of others, and I know you had a bit of a difficult time with that after your "Autre Temps" video, even though it was fantastic.
All you have to know about that video is that I loved it - it's what drew me to you in the first place - and I know artistry and good music when I hear it. Many of the detractors were typical metalhead morons.
Anyway, I don't even know for sure if you are referring to the new video with Johan, as far as being hesitant to release it, or apprehensive or whatever. I could have the entire issue wrong, but that video seems like the best explanation for your post.
My own two cents is : go ahead and release it! You know it's gonna be awesome. Your singing on the Vaskula EP was excellent. It's gonna be great this time too. :)
So, if that's what the Portraits Of America post is about, I say go ahead and release it. You worked hard on it, and your music is another aspect of your artistry.
I will be on usual schedule all night, so if you have a chance, let me know if I've got it right or wrong.
I Love You and am glad you posted! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(gonna watch a "Walking Dead" episode, then go for my walk, but I'll keep one eye on the computer, too)
12:20am : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby. All is quiet and I am now situated. :) I saw your post a little while ago, Ola Gjielo, and I am glad that all is well. Also, I am the Sweet Baby in that one, and I love it when that happens. :):)
Yeah, again - I don't know if the earlier issue today was indeed your own music video with Johan, but if it was, I'll stick with my stated assessment. However, because You are You, and only You know your own level of sensitivity to any given situation, in the end it is of course your decision whether to release it (again assuming that is the issue at hand).
I know how shy I was as a kid, and although that is a slightly different circumstance, or social condition (shyness vs. being a very private person, in your case), it still has a basis in an acute sensitivity to scrutiny or response.
It took me years to understand, myself. When I was a kid in school, I would get so nervous if called to speak in front of the class, that it was all I could do not to stutter. I always felt perfectly alright inside my own head, with my own thoughts, and with my own close friends, like everything was understood, and so no nervousness.
But put me in front of strangers, or a large group, and I was a mess. Now that I am older, and some of the shyness has dissipated, I analyse it, and I think it is just a sensitivity to unknown energy.
People possess energy and vibes. Intelligent people do, dumbells do, kind people do, and so do cruel people. In that respect, we are all the same. We all project vibes, and some people feel the need to vocalise those vibes, or write them down, especially in the era of the Internet.
I grew up before the Internet, but I was so shy - and therefore so self-conscious - that I could sense people's vibes even if they weren't saying anything.
You are the same way, Elizabeth. You are extremely intelligent, and with that, you also have a very sensitive nature. Just like me. As far as music goes, if I hadn't been in a band way back in my early days, I could never have got up onstage. Wouldn't have had the courage. A band gave me inclusion in something. I was a part of the whole, rather than the whole thing myself. That allowed me to play in front of people.
I am just offering these thoughts to let you know that I recognise your sensitivity, and what I have discovered is that, in the long run, it's a huge asset. It means that you know yourself, and you'd be surprised how many people do not.
If you have sensitivity, and thus know yourself, that will eventually lead to a strong self confidence that will surprise you. That is why I say, from time to time, to carry a "quiet confidence" within yourself.
Know yourself and know your qualities and assets. As for criticism, is nice to consider all men and women to be equally valid in the humanistic sense. My Mom told me when I was little, and I've never forgotten it : "Never think of yourself as any better or any worse than anyone else, but always just as good".
And that is good advice, and beautiful in the humanistic sense.
But my Dad also had advice, and that was : "Everyone is NOT entitled to their opinion"! :)
Dad knew, and was not too polite to state it, that there are a lot of stupid, or less than educated, or less thoughtful, or less articulate, or less emotionally mature, people in the world. And unfortunately, those people can be some of the most vocal. See the Internet for zillions of examples.
Now, as you probably know, you can disable comments on Youtube. Or you can just refuse to read 'em.
But in the end, I have no doubt that if you do release your song (and if that is indeed the issue today), the good comments will far outweigh the bad, and the point is, that You already know Yourself.
You have that quiet, inner confidence and know you are good at what you do, both in music and film.
That's all that matters, I think.
Well, I will post now, but just take some time and think about it, and then do whatever you are comfortable with. And remember - You know Yourself best.
I Love You, Elizabeth! Sweet Dreams and I will see you in the morning.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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