Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I was excited to see your promo pic, via the Versus Me post, for your 360 Video. Looking at the pic, my original question was answered : I can see that "360" does indeed refer to a camera technology. Initially I wasn't sure if it was that or merely a brand name, like that of a production company. But anyhow : awesome! That is Big Time Stuff, SB, for you to shoot something like that, and my next question would be, "did you have to learn to work a special camera, or is it all done post-production on computer", or what?
I guess I will be able to figure it out when I see the video, and I am very much looking forward to it!
We had good singing in church this morn, albeit with our smallest "singing group" yet, only six members of choir were present. But we more than covered it, and as I've said, I don't mind a smaller group, cause then you get to "lead sing", so to speak. Fewer singers lead to increased roles for each, as opposed to, say, trillion member choirs like the Mormon Tabernacle, which, while spectacular, is made up of a multitude of anonymous voices. I like the "acapella group" style better......
Not much else today. I finished my John Lennon book this afternoon. Tonight I am reading "God, History and Dialectic Volume 3" by Dr. Joe Farrell, which is 100% fascinating (and I've been working on it, starting with Volume One, since about May). What blows me away is the idea of philosophers, and I don't mean the ancient Greeks so much as more recent ones, guys like Kant or Hegel from a couple hundred years ago, who sit there and think about the minutia of possibilities within what is called "dialectical thought". They want to break down what God is, which they admit is all but impossible, but they use dialectics, which is a relation of opposites, to try to do so anyway. And for these guys, "Thought" was their whole life, or their career at least. They were single-minded in trying to answer a small handful of unanswerable questions. That's what dialectics basically is, trying to define God, and what is mind blowing is how this quest has shaped modern history. I could go on about it, but I won't tonight as I am tired from getting up early.
I am also reading "Most Dangerous" by SK Bain (writing as Sherwood Kent), and this book is so prescient as to be almost a prediction of what is happening in our currently insane world. But Bain knows there are specific reasons for all the madness, and he provides ample evidence for his conclusions. The whole thing is astonishing, and it's also very important. Many who read a chapter or two might say, "oh c'mon......this is way too weird, and can't be possible". But those of us "in the know" of how weird things can get, can see that Bain is right on the money. I think in August, I might write a little about 1989, and What Happened In Northridge. August will be the tenth anniversary of when I wrote the first draft of my book, and this time around I think I want to look at some practical questions involving the "how did they do that" aspect of it all, meaning the big shots who pulled off whatever it was they pulled off. If I do write about it, and I probably will, it won't be anything like last time. When I wrote the book, in 2006 & 2007, I was literally "filled with the story", and it's emotion, which I had been living with for 13 years at the time. Now, ten more years have passed and the subject is a dispassionate one for me, though no less compelling. It is still something I think about every day of my life, because in a way, my life depends on it. I need to know what happened to me, because I need to know, "why me"?
At any rate, it is important for me to note that no names will be mentioned, except for possibly a few of the bad guys, but even then I will try to keep a focus on the logical procession of it all - i.e. how it came forth and became the Big and Weird Deal that it was. What I will not do is revisit any detailed descriptions from the book, or add unnecessary - at this point - emotion into the mix.
I will just muse on how agents of the Federal Government, and perhaps of a shadow aspect of the Government at that, came to get involved in a minor situation between everyday people in the San Fernando Valley, and how that involvement developed very quickly, and then blew up over a period of about 12 days into one of The Biggest, Weirdest Events You Could Possibly Imagine.
But I won't write it that way. It will be written, intermittently in blogs here and there (or maybe all at once), in a more academic, analytical style, influenced by dialectics and the "breaking down" of thought and possibility.
Secret people used secret tricks on us for whatever their reasons were. In my case, they caused me to forget what happened. Now is a good time, ten years after the very emotional book, to briefly but semi-thoroughly revisit what happened, using pure analysis, with hopefully no harm done.
God will be the Judge of the real perpetrators, and one day soon this crazy era we are living in will come to an end.
God Bless in the meantime, and don't worry Sweet Baby, I will continue to write as always anyhow, and it won't be a big deal. Just a few blogs in August......
See you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo :):)
(long live John Lennon)
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