Happy Late Saturday Night, my Darling,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. That was a great picture you posted this morning, with awesome rock formations, but since you did not identify it specifically (but did say that it's a "rediscovery") , I am gonna guess that it's the park where you went with your Mom and brother a couple years ago when you went on a road trip. Not the place with the Sideways Trees, but another place - a state park perhaps.
Boy, you are a doing a lot of driving lately. As I recall, that place in the photo was quite a ways upstate. However, from what I know of Midwesterners (and maybe anyone besides Californians, or maybe just me in particular, haha) it's not a big deal to drive, like, 100 to 300 miles to do something. The guys at the KX board will talk about driving 300 miles to go to a concert. Here, to drive 50 miles is a big deal. And as I've speculated before, it's because of traffic and freeways and being in our cars so much of the time.
But that's why I am looking forward so much to my "later-in-the-year" trip to the Alabama Hills, because it's In The Middle Of Nowhere, and the drive is mostly through The Middle Of Nowhere. That's what I was saying in last night's blog, is that California is mostly open space. I chose Alabama Hills as my first destination because I love geological formations and I love Western movies, and The Hills are famous for both.
No hike today, and no shopping with my sister, just a regular workday. Work is more intensive nowdays, as previously noted, but I did have a chance to almost finish my John Lennon book this afternoon, and also to strum and sing "All My Loving", which to me is not only one of the Ten Greatest Beatles Songs but also the Ultimate Beatlemania Song : in old clips from the 1964 tours, when they would start that song, the screaming would just about drown it out. More than that, it just totally captures the Early Beatles Magic in every way.
I got a dog bite this evening, from the Kobedogger himself. He'd been staggering around, favoring his rear left leg. I suspected a culprit - a "sticker" or burr from a dried up weed bush in the side yard, because I'd pulled a couple of them out of his fur recently. So I checked his foot, and sure enough. He had two of 'em stuck in between his rubber foot pads (the things that dogs have on the bottom of their toes). Well, doggies don't like to stand still for anything uncomfortable, so I got some Vasilne to try and loosen the stickers, but I still had to do some pulling to remove them. And in the process, The 'Ster delivered a quick bite to my forearm. It did break the skin, and drew a little blood, but I quickly soaked it in Witch Hazel, which is the "duct tape" of home remedies.
Anything can be fixed with a little Witch Hazel. I've even used it on my sore knees. :)
So hopefully I won't get rabies. I've still got a pretty good red welt on my arm, but the size of it went down considerably.
Well, tomorrow morning is church and singing. Our anthem will be "In This Very Room", which is pretty easy to sing but with a few timing changes. I will be around early in the morn and then after choir practice as usual, about 1pm.
See you in the morning, Sweet Baby. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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