Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
Okay, now I think I get it, because of your friend Aaron's post containing the word "parents". Then also you posted the pic of the church in southern Illinois, so I am guessing a road trip of some kind is underway.....
Possibly incorporating Pokemon as well.
They were out in force tonight at CSUN, the most people I have seen yet. Most in groups of two or three, but also bigger groups of maybe a dozen, and also some people that were going solo. Wake me up before you go-go, SB. :)
I mean, what is going on here? All of these people seem to be thoroughly into it, and it looks like fun, but what I don't understand is : did they know this was coming? Because they all came out of the woodwork simultaneously, and from what I can see, they all know how to play, even though this is a brand new game.
I mean - isn't it? Or was it described online beforehand?
Oh Hell, I have no idea. But, as noted, it certainly looks like fun - like an old-fashioned scavenger hunt - and most importantly (and I think this part is great) it is getting young people outside , and walking around, enjoying the night (and maybe the day, too). Do they play this game during the day?
Outdoor fun rules! Man......during the 60s, you couldn't keep us kids indoors. Of course, this was during the Baby Boom, so every street was packed with kids, and kids had a separate world of their own. All day was spent with other kids. We would play hide and seek till 9 at night in the Summer, or Kick The Can. All kinds of games. Scavenger Hunts were for teenagers, so I never got in on that, but the 1960s were all about kids and fun and being outdoors, and I haven't seen any of that in ages, so I am all for the new Pokemon game.
Just as long as it goes with reading books and general Brain Enrichment, of course. That's also what past generations were about : learning. That's what we did in the 60s. We were either Having A Blast or Learning Something. There wasn't much in between. And family was huge then, too. And friends.
Probably a lot like now, at least I hope it is.
Enough already, with the Dumbing Down Of America. Let's bring back the fun, and the togetherness, and the spirit of learning that I and my generation were so fortunate to grow up with. :)
Speaking of being outside, and in my case hiking, I haven't been on any this week because of sore knees. I guess I overdid it with the five straight days of nine miles. It didn't hurt at the time, doggonnit. But once I settled down and got back to work a week ago today, my knees were a wee bit squishy, and hurting a little. So I've been going easy all week, still doing my daily miles, but no climbing or straining as required for hikes. Today, the knees were feeling better, so I will give them one more day of rest tomorrow and then perhaps try for a hike Friday. Maybe I will find a Pokemon in Santa Susana State Park, or in Rice Canyon. :)
Tonight, another classic Film Noir : "Pushover", starring Fred MacMurray and Kim Novak. I have gotta say once again, "hooray for the era of great screenwriters", when so much could be done in a mere 90 minutes. In "Pushover", MacMurray plays a cop who is part of a stakeout on femme fatale Novak, who's boyfriend has robbed a bank and disappeared. In watching her, MacMurray falls for her and then plots with her to find the boyfriend and take the bank loot from him. This one is a five star classic, with endless plot and suspense - thank you, screenwriters! - and excellent b&w photography, featuring many great Hollywood and Los Angeles locations of the 50s. I will continue to search out more lesser known Film Noirs and other classics from the 40s and 50s, one of my favorite eras for movies.
That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. I hope you are having fun, wherever you are.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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