Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Warped Tour? + "One Step Beyond" + More Of What Happened

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a nice day. I saw your post late last night, via the guitarist from I Prevail, about being at the Warped Tour, and I thought that might mean you were there yourself, so I Googled the tour dates, and sure enough : July 19 Chicago and July 20 Minneapolis. So, did ya go? If you did, hooray, and if you didn't, hooray anyway because you are doing so much cool stuff already.  :) But if you did go, post some pix!

A Typical Tuesday for me, which means taking Pearl to Golden Agers and shopping in the afternoon. I bought another giant watermelon at the produce market. I have been pounding watermelon since Summer began, and the one I got today weighed close to 25 lbs. I like Summer fruit too, plums and peaches, nectarines. I never used to eat much fruit, but have become hooked in recent years......

No movie this eve, but I did watch an awesome episode of a TV show that most folks probably have never heard of. I had never heard of it myself until a few years ago when I saw a 3 episode dvd at the 99 Cent Store. The show was called "One Step Beyond", and it debuted in 1959, same year as "The Twilight Zone". "One Step Beyond" was also about the Supernatural, and obviously did not achieve the lasting fame and critical recognition of "TZ", but if the first episode (that I watched tonight) is any indication, it is a great series in it's own right. Wow!, it was Spooky Stuff, about a newlywed bride who becomes possessed by the spirit of a murdered woman, near the site of her death on a cliffside in Northern California.

Really well done - and shot partially at MGM Studios, hooray again! - and it starred Virginia Leith, about whom more in a moment. I was watching her, going I know I've seen that actress before, and she has a striking look, and an unusual low voice. I couldn't guess where I'd seen her by the end of the show, so I looked up the show on IMDB, and sure enough......

Virginia Leith, who starred as the Disembodied Head in The Petrie Dish in the classic film "The Brain That Wouldn't Die", one of the scariest movies ever made, with the gigantic potato-headed monster at the end. 

So that's where I recognised her from, and she was great in "One Step Beyond" as well. If the other episodes are as great as the first, this is gonna be one great series. I got the whole thing for ten bucks, 70 episodes on six dvds.  :)

Tonight's observation on What Happened In Northridge (from now on, simply referred to as What Happened, or 1989 for short) is once again about the curious and near immediate appearance of Federal agents on the scene of an ordinary disruption that under any normal circumstances would be handled by police.

I reported last night that I was made, or strongly urged, to sign what is called a "non-disclosure" form on the morning of September 2, 1989. I was coerced into doing so by two men whom I don't remember identifying themselves. This happened at the apartment building, sitting at a metal table by the pool. There was a friendly witness present, a person who had driven me to the hospital the night before (accompanied by two others), but we are not naming names this time around. I mention the witness because it offers corroboration, and because this witness was with me for much of the time on the evening of September 1st, and could possibly corroborate also the presence of Federal agents that night as well.

Here is what the deal is : I was taken to the hospital by this witness (and in the car were two other people, one a famous actress, which sounds weird but is true). The hospital was Northridge Hospital, the big one in our town, and also the closest one to the apartment building.

I am guessing that we left for the hospital no longer than two hours after the situation began, maybe less than that. I spent some time in the back of a paramedic's truck beforehand, which maybe accounted for an hour, maximum. And right after that, we went to the hospital. At the hospital, a seperate and extremely unusual situation developed in the parking lot, with a violent criminal named Howard Schaller, who also just so happened to be a man that I had worked with at Metrocolor from 1979 to 1981. He had been my shift boss, and also my drug connection. I had bought speed from him until 1982, and had not seen him for seven years until that night in the parking lot. On a side note, it took me years and years to understand what he was doing there, but by last year I came to the conclusion that the only way he could possibly have been there, was through some connection with my late friend Dave S. (whom I mention only because Dave is no longer with us and because the connection is important in the scheme of things).

Up to that point in the evening, the events had been scary, then they turned unusual, and then in the case of the presence of the actress, inexplicable. But by the time we got to the hospital, that was when we knew that something mighty strange was going on. When we were attacked in our car by Howard Schaller (also deceased now), we were blocked from making an a police car. Yep, that is the way I remember it. The parking lot was dark. It was perhaps 10 or 11 at night. It was the Friday night of Labor Day weekend. But there was a cop car there in the parking lot, and almost no one else. That is the only car that stands out. And I remember that there was an officer present who more or less shrugged his shoulders at the people who were with me, who were hysterical. I was in shock, myself, though no less lucid. Just subdued and inside myself. And this lone policeman  - don't know if he was Sheriff, meaning County, or LAPD, meaning City, and it is important to note that jurisdiction is everything - well, he just stood there, like "sorry, but there's nothing I can do". And we had a madman, large and powerful, attacking our car.

The ordeal in the parking lot went on, and other things happened, including some possibly very strange things, and I mean very strange indeed. Strange sights.

But my point is, that we went to that hospital no later than two hours after the whole episode began, and it began as an ordinary episode, "ordinary" in the sense that it happens every day, multiple times, all over the globe. Just like someone robbing a store happens every day, all over the globe. And when these events happen, you normally see a police response, because somebody calls them. One would have expected a police response at the apartment building on the night of September 1st, 1989. But none came.

To have a lone police officer (from whatever organisation) at the hospital, who basically "stood down" while we were attacked, suggests a couple things. It suggests that it was known we would be going to the hospital, and known by at least one police agency. It also suggests, because the officer in question did not immediately do his duty (though Howard Schaller was later cuffed, if I remember correctly, and I am sure I do), that the officer - and by logic his entire department, LAPD or Sheriffs, were told to stand down. There is only one organisation who can do that, of course : The Feds.

The officer in question did ultimately cuff Howard Schaller, and to be fair, he may have been away from his car and away from the parking lot when the incident began, but the whole thing was so ultimately weird that we all knew, even in our terrified and shocked states, that something extremely unusual was underway, and that it involved us, and what had transpired earlier in the evening.

So now my point goes back to the arrival of The Feds, and we see that they were there from the get go

From the Get Go.

The logical question a person might have would be, "who called them"?

The logical answer would be "nobody called them", because no one calls the FBI right off the bat to report a disturbance. People call the police.

Only, in this case, though the police were present, in the person of a single officer, they were on "stand down", meaning Do Not Interfere.

Therefore, if no one called The Feds, what were they doing there, immediately after the whole thing began?


That is all we will explore tonight, but next we will revisit an unusual experience we had in the car on our way to the hospital : witnessing the landing of a helicopter at the intersection of Roscoe and Reseda Boulevards.

That's all for tonight, Sweet Baby. I will see you in the morn.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

P.S. I just now saw your post of your friend Morgin's photo. I must say I like the text in that one!  :):)
And it's always nice to see people finding love in this world today.....

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