Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's Going On?

Hi Elizabeth,

Since you didn't post at all today, I'm guessing that it isn't because of Pokemon, or at least not entirely Pokemon, but that you are upset about something. If so, would you please tell me what it is? You really haven't posted much at all since around the 4th of July. Anyway, I'm all ears, so whatever is going on I hope you will communicate it, because as always when these things happen, it's not easy for me.

I don't know if I should keep writing, if you want me to keep writing, or what.

I am gonna post this now, just in case you are still awake, and if you are maybe you can post something just to acknowledge?

If I can think of anything else to write, I will come back in a few minutes and add it to this same blog.

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