Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a nice day. I like the pix you have been posting on your professional FB page, and I was also looking at your Instagram photos. You have quite a collection of great shots on both websites, photos with all kinds of different "looks", and you also have an identifiable style, or "overall look". One of your stylistic traits is great color lines and patterns. Also, capturing all angles of a show.
I say what I've always said : just keep shooting (and posting). Everything will grow from that. :)
Today was Thursday, meaning a trip to the hair salon for Pearl, and this time I went along to get my hair cut too. This time I had the stylist cut it a fair bit shorter than it has been, just because it's Summer, and also my hair - when longer - is increasingly breaking at the ends and drying out. Probably the shampoo I am using, and also that I am out in the sun a lot, and just that I never had that long, shiny hair quality to begin with.
It's not super short, just medium short, and actually........I look kind of cute, if I do say so myself. :)
Well anyway, I bought a jar of Mrs. Renfro's Ghost Pepper Salsa the other day and tonight I am trying it out. I may have mentioned Mrs. Renfro before (you can Google her), and you may have heard of the Ghost Pepper, supposedly the hottest pepper on Earth. At any rate, I can and will testify that this salsa is the hottest I have ever tried. I only got through about 4 chips worth before I had to take a break, but that was a perfect amount for this stuff. It's mega hot, but also has great flavor. The hotness has a weird "pinch" to it, a sharp smokiness. It hits you in the sinuses, like Chinese Mustard, but also back a little further, in your brain....
No hike today, what with the hair appointments, but I did do all my miles, and it was Super Hot, and the Pokemon Hunters were out in force as usual. Thursday nights in Summer are also Outdoor Movie Nights at CSUN, and the lawn in front of the Oviatt was jam packed with people.
I am starting two new books I got from Northridge Libe. One is "Paul McCartney : The Life", a new bio by Phillip Norman, the same guy who wrote the John Lennon bio I just finished. The other book is called "Others Unknown", and is about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. This book, written in 1998 by McVeigh's lawyer, purports to shed new light on that case. We'll see. My life being what it is, I have always trusted my gut reaction to such monstrous events, and when that one happened, I didn't buy the "official story" either, just as I do not for most any major case.
And mostly, I really am a Detective. That's what I should have been, because I love solving crimes, and mysteries. And........I really really don't like Bad Guys.
I will continue with more CSI-style scrutinized tidbits about 1989 tomorrow, but for tonight I will note that I have been on the Internet since early 1998, almost twenty years ago now, and when I first got online, and figured out how to use search engines, I found my way to an official X-Files board. It was the first place I ever wrote about what had happened to me. My memories had only recently begun to become clear to me, after struggling with their enormity and being confused by their disjointedness since 1993. But now that I had the brand new Internet, I had a forum, and so I wrote about an issue that seemed perfectly clear to me.
I wrote in 1998, over and over again, about Military Technology, and even more specifically about what I perceived as a "split" or a schism in the US Military, with one side being patriotic and the other bent on a coup, or overthrow. The specifics are very complicated, and I am sorry to bore you with this stuff to begin with, but the reason I wrote about a schism in the military was because of what I had witnessed during the 12 days of What Happened In Northridge. I saw military going after military, and again, the scenario is too complex to describe here. It is more completely described in my book.
In football, there are "scrimmages", in which a single team "plays against itself" - offense against defense, in order to simulate a game, and get ready for the season, to play against other teams.
In the military, there are "drills" which simulate actual warfare, and from what I've read, these drills are eerily close to the real thing. On 9/11, many drills and simulations were actually taking place that very morning, as documented in Webster Griffin Tarpley's magisterial book (a must read, I think).
What I witnessed, in a helicopter and at a site and event I call "The Wilbur Wash", was scary beyond belief. It was supernatural, to be honest. It was not all-out-war, not hardly, but I saw the use of supernatural technology between military and military. We saw a helicopter shot down. Sounds crazy, I know.
But it's true.
And so in 1998, when I discovered the Internet, I was obsessed with writing about what I had seen. And I wanted to drive home the point that our supposed unity as a country was not all it seemed. And more shockingly, I believed there was a dangerous and hidden element in our military that was equipped with what you might call Supernatural Technology, and that a secret war was being waged behind the scenes.
I wrote about this extensively on the X-Files site in 1998. And then in 2001, 9/11 happened.
And I knew right away, as I was watching it, that this was the same thing. A secret war. ///
That's all for tonight, SB. Remember, it's just me telling my story, so nothing to worry about. :)
I just think that, America being what it is now, that it is important to tell the truth, if you have something to tell.
And I do.
See you in the morn. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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