Saturday, July 13, 2013

Happy Saturday Morning! (And afternoon, too)

Good Morning my Angel,

I am just getting home from Pearl's. We took the Kobester for a walk and it's already getting pretty hot outside. I am sorry I didn't write last night, but I had nothing to report, and I hadn't heard from you so I figured you might be busy. Anyway, I hope you had a good day and that your Saturday is off to a good start too. My sister Vickie is coming over in an hour and we are gonna go shopping at the Valley Produce Market in Reseda. Then maybe the 99 Cent Store, too. We are growing tomato plants over at Pearl's, and we just this morning have our first little tomatoes visible, right now they are the size of peas. But when they get big and ripen, I am gonna make some salsa with them!

I will write more later, it's not good for me to miss a day, and again I am sorry. I know that a lot of days, it's just like reading an agenda - what I did during the day - but it's still important to write, to talk, especially to tell you I Love You. There could be no more important reason than that!

So, I will be back later. Have an awesome afternoon!

I Love You With All Of My Heart.......  :):)

1:10pm : Okay, those are some really good shots! In the one with the purple flowers, you got a great "shower of light" effect and also some neat light spotting, too. Really good. In the one with the dragonfly, I love the blended, muted coloring of the background leaves (grass?) as contrasted with the dragonfly himself. You got an old fashioned look in some of the shots, like the one of the mailbox. Great stuff, Elizabeth. Film has a nice look, don't you think? Also - I know I keep saying it, but - make sure you get prints, at least of your favorite shots, or even all of them. I am guessing with your film shots, you probably got prints with your developing, but do it will your digital too. That way you have not only the best possible image, but you have them in an album, and in that way they tell a story of that part of your life. These photos today definitely tell a story. Keep shooting, every chance you get.

Well, I am gonna put away some groceries, and I will be back in a while. I Love You, Awesome and Beautiful Lady!

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