Hey Beautiful Lady,
Another late night post. Hope you are still awake. I've just been over at Flickr posting a few pics, from recent experiments with night shots. They are fairly low-tech, but that's kind of what I am going for in this go-round. My late friend Dave (life long pal, bass player, all-around Original Human Being) used to accompany me on photo shoots in the 90s, especially after the earthquake. I was always the guy trying for the perfectly framed shot, the best exposure, etc. It was my training from three years of photo in high school. But Dave, he had no school training. He was just a snapshot guy, but the thing was that he would get the weirdest pics sometimes, just by not trying, or by filtering his attempts through his own unusual perspective. Now, not all his shots were great - and I am finding out in my experiments that you get a lot more so-so ones when you just "go for it". But the great shots he did get were ones I always envied. They were off the wall and off beat, sometimes out of focus, sometimes not "properly" exposed, but they said something. The good ones he got really conveyed a message.
So that's what I am trying for lately. My cam is a bit limited, both exposurewise and because of it's wide angle lens. But because it's digital I can do a whole lot of shots and delete the ones I don't like. That, however, also is bad for photographic discipline. With film, you never could waste a shot, so I will definitely shoot some film, too, as I said. But I will post some Dave shots before the year is out, so you can see what I mean.
I hope you had a good day. I know now that you are working because yesterday I saw your post of Sarah's song, and you mentioned you were listening to it at work. I listened myself, and it was really good, very Germanic in it's riffs. I am guessing you are working at the University, perhaps in the lab? Well, it's just a guess.
Well, that's all for this eve. I am gonna read for a little while and then turn in, so I will see you in the morn.
I Love You, Elizabeth! :):) hug & kiss always, to last all night..........
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