Good Evening, my Baby. It's just me, feeling a bit sheepish but in good humor. I know I get pretty wordy sometimes, lol. "Jeez Louise, Ad" - me to self. But, it's good for me to analyse my thoughts and motivations, and to work on things, and I promise to keep working on the things that need working on! That said, I am glad everything is good, and I always enjoy it when the humor comes through on things. I was talking with my brother earlier, and I mentioned the Dad thing, and how it influenced us kids and our way of thinking, and I was then also thinking of Mom, and her viewpoint, and trying to balance the two influences, and I mentioned to Chris that we were brought up, in general through a combination of both parental influences, to treat people right and not to judge, and I also grew up in the 1960s, when schools were integrated. We thought nothing of other skin colors, nationalities, etc. I have mentioned that, at least in L.A., is it generally the same way with gay people - they are just another type of "L.A.People" because here, nobody generally notices or cares much about racial or sexual differences, or if they do they keep it to themselves.
But the point is that, as I was talking to my brother, I mentioned that I am not Pollyanna about people, despite my Mom's best intentions, and because of Dad's influence and the fact that we live in dumbed-down times, I do have things that bug me. And I thought about it, and I said, well, I don't like rap, for instance, but I'm certainly not a racist. Definitely not homophobic, not anti-Religion (though I hate the way Christianity gets twisted around by some factions). I'm not a right-winger but I don't defacto hate Republicans.
But I still have things that bug me, and it comes from Dad's influence. So I thought, what does that make me?
And it hit me : I'm a Stupidist.
Stupidity really bugs me; I don't like it, I'm definitely against it, and I know it when I see it, in all it's forms. So, I also thought that it's the one "ism" that might actually catch on! I mean, everyone knows that racism isn't cool, nor other "ism"s, even ones that don't have an "ism" at the end! But Stupidism? Now that just might be socially acceptable, and it might even catch on! Nobody likes stupid people, or stupid culture, and of course we are talking not about nice people of lesser intellectual ability, but about Stupid People and Stupid Stuff, and everybody knows it when they see it. So yeah, that's me - I'm a Stupidist. But then, there are times when I will have to be prejudiced against myself, because I do Stupid Stuff, too. But I will keep learning, or else I could wind up having to kick myself out of the Stupidist Party.
Me and Chris were talking, and I was thinking about it, and I was thinking that I do like people, it makes me happy to like people, I hate disliking people, but all the same, I'm not Pollyanna. I do wear rose colored glasses, but they're a little scratched. So, I thought, wouldn't it be great if everybody could unite on something, some principle that would make us all look past our differences? That way the whole world could get along, and there would be Peace On Earth. But then I thought, well, people are people, and the World has been fighting since time began. But then my optimism took over again, and I thought, "there must be a way........there's got to be some principle that will unite everyone, regardless of race, religion, national background, etc".
And then it hit me : Hipsters.
Name me one person who likes Hipsters! The whole world agrees that they're obnoxious, even Eskimoes at the North Pole think so! And even the Hipsters themselves know they're uncool, so in that way, the whole world can unite around that belief.
Anti-Hipsterism is the wave of the future. Brought to you by the leader of the Stupidist Party. ///
I am gonna be up for a little while because I can sleep in tomorrow, so I will be back in a little bit. I Love You So Much, Elizabeth. A giant hug and kiss, and I will be back in a few to say goodnight. xoxoxoxo :):)
11:15pm : I will say goodnight now, because it is two hours later for you, and you are going to sleep or are already there. But I hope you're still awake! With your pic this morning, when you say "client" I am guessing that means the model (your friend) solicited you? That is fantastic, Elizabeth. You have an eye for photographing people, which is not an easy thing - making people look good in pictures. Not everyone is photogenic, even good looking people, so to be able to capture their best looks and best angles is a real art. You love photography, and I think that is awesome. Just keep putting your pictorial stamp on everything you photograph, and that will bring more clients. And, as with someone like Annie Liebowitz, a great people photographer, it is not only your photographic talents that will bring out your best work, but your ability to make the subject relax and feel uninhibited - as if there was no camera watching them. You are taking great pictures this summer! And if you are having a great summer, as it seems, then that makes me very happy indeed, for I have had the privlege of watching you blossom as an overall Artist, with now your photography included. I just say, as always, keep going. It's all about the journey - the pictures taken, songs written, places visited, sensations felt - and the more you do it, every day, the more it becomes indelible.
It becomes your new dna, who you are . You are creating yourself.
I Love You and will see you in the morn, maybe an hour later than normal, but who knows - I can never seem to sleep in on my first day off anyhow. But I will be here, and on FB, in any case.
Sweet Dreams and Much Love. :):)
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