Saturday, September 6, 2014

Florence! (Got my Vaskula CD)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

Ahh, now you are in Florence! Let me see if I have it right now : maybe, according to the Humans Of New York post, Monday is actually the first day of school. And maybe you were travelling yesterday and got little sleep. So maybe the Taya Iv post from yesterday meant that before arriving in Florence, you visited a farm?

I am guessing because that is similar to an itinerary that one of my nephews had. He was in Italy not with school but with his soccer team, and they had a rural excursion or two, out to the countryside, as part of their program.

So, you are just getting to Florence, which means that you were still in Germany, which is what I had originally surmised. At any rate, that sure is a beautiful town you are staying in, with the view of the river and the picturesque old buildings. What a place! Imagine the history, back to Renaissance times and before. All the people who have walked those streets. You are gonna love it!

Well, just a quick check-in for now. I am gonna head out for Saturday shopping in a few minutes, just by myself this time. Vickie stayed home cause of the heat. I will write more later at the usual time. Post more pics if you wanna, and if you get the chance. :)

I am glad I have your schedule straight, now I can legitimately wish you a nice school day, starting Monday.

I Love You and will see you in a bit!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:05am : Good Morning, my Darling! I got my Vaskula CD in the mail today. I am impressed with the music. He's got a lot of nice melodies in the songs, and the music overall sets a mood. I like the use of synths, too. It has traces of 70s music in that respect. Your vocal harmonies sound great, and the only thing I would have done is have you sing more lead! :) Johan has a pleasant enough voice and it suits the music, but you are the secret weapon, to be sure. Girl, you really developed your voice in the interim. You must have been doing a lot of singing, I guess.

The CD has nice artwork, too, and a nice layout. You should bring a copy to the Opeth/Alcest show and hand it to Neige. Better yet, bring two so you can give one to Mikael as well. He would love your voice, and Neige could vouch for you. :)

I got a late start this eve, cause I am trying to finish my book and also cause I started Season 6 of "The X-Files". Then I had to do my walk and dreaded workout, which I hate but am trying to maintain because it's good for me, haha. Love the results, hate the doing!

Well, have an awesome Sunday. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and feeling of Florence. I will be doing the Sunday Thing too in a few hours, and so I'll join you.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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