Good Morning, Awesome Lady,
Just chilling with some Vangelis "Mythodea". I've posted that clip before. I love the vocal effects in that piece. Gotta find a new book to read, I have completed Dr. Farrell's LBJ book. I am a bit John F. Kennedy'd out at the moment, having read three books in a month on the subject, but at least it seems the case is solved after all this time.
I saw your procrastination post earlier, while at Pearl's. Perhaps you were just referencing it, cause we all procrastinate. I say this because I read the cartoon in the post, and it was made out to be kind of extreme, and I am sure it is for some people, but probably not for you. We creative people, who like to think and daydream, can tend to put things off, but being a procrastinator to some extent myself, I would say don't worry about it. Things get done. There is always plenty of time. And really, procrastination is such a condition of modern culture anyway. Think about the Indians; do you think they worried about getting a zillion things done during the day? No, because life was simple then. They had a few important things they had to do each day, such as gather food, but overall there was not the distraction of today. Of course, we aren't living in Indian times, but just remember that most of the stuff that gets procrastinated by all of us, isn't that important anyway.
What is important is your connection to the World and to God. Of course you have stuff you need to get done ("need to" rather than "have to", because there is no such thing), but you always get things done anyway.
If you were a terminal case procrastinator, then it would be something to worry about, but you aren't.
And I am pretty sure you didn't mean the post that way, anyhow. :)
I am trying to find a hike for tomorrow, and I am just about tapped out of local trails, which is why I half-jokingly posted that Nike Site video. I really do wanna see that place, but as it is controversial whether or not it is okay to do so, and legal, etc., I am gonna hold back until I can be certain it's not trespassing. And, I would never go down in that darkened missle silo by myself (if you saw the video, it's pretty scary), so I'd need someone to come with me. At any rate, I will find something less complicated for tomorrow. For tonight, that's all I know, so enjoy your day, and I will enjoy my sleep and see you in the morning.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
3:15pm : Good Evening, Sweet Baby. Sorry I'm posting so late. The Golden Agers meeting ran until 2:30, and then I had to stop at Northridge Libe on the way home to print the King Crimson tickets. Grimsley is going with me tonight, and then tomorrow by myself. While Pearl was at her meeting, I went back to East and Rice Canyons and had a nice hike in each of 'em. I only went partway back in Rice, because I heard footfalls that sounded like something bigger than a squirrel, so I said, "Okay, time to turn around now". It was probably nothing, but why take the chance. Especially when East Canyon is right next door. :)
This time in East, I went waaay back, about a mile and a half. Further than I've gone before. If you keep going, you come out in O'Melveney Park, in the Valley. So then, you have crossed over the mountain. I'll have to do that one day when I have the time, but today I'd say I made it almost halfway. Didn't take a lot of photos. I am trying not to repeat myself, and it's getting harder. Now, I'm really just looking for special shapes and something inside the light and shadows. Or, if I go to a new trail, then I take a bunch of photos. But, I am almost all out of new trails, as I've said. But I had fun this morning. :)
Tonight will be fun, too. I am hoping they don't start exactly at 8pm, because we are gonna take the subway, and it takes over a half hour just to get to the station. We will probably get to Downtown L.A. right about 8 or a few minutes before, then we have to walk a few blocks. So if they hold off til 8:15 or so, we'll be okay. It's gonna be a blast. I've been a KC fan since 1973.......
I will wish you Sweet Dreams and post now, and then I will post again when I get back home tonight, and I should be home around 12:30. I am guessing a 2 hour show, over about 10:30. Back on the subway by 11pm. Then subway to North Hollywood and drive home from there. Drop Grim off. Yeah, 12:30 give or take, so I will see you around that time.
I Love You, my Darling Sweet Baby! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:25pm : Good Morning, my Darling. I am back from the show, about which I am pretty speechless. It was like mad scientist rock or something, and with the highest level of musicianship possible. Three drummers. I am too tired and blown away to try and explain it, and it might not even be your cup of tea, but if you saw it, you'd see what I mean. I am gonna eat something real quick. I will be up for about an hour or so, and will probably post a few words about it on FB, but I just wanted to let you know I was back, and that I Love You. I wish you could have gone with me! (and, even though they've only played about ten shows on this tour, in only four or five cities, one of the shows was in Madison) :):)
Have a great morning and I will see you in the morning! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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