Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Good Evening, my Baby,

I'm just getting home from Pearl's. I did wind up going out to Placerita Canyon while she was at Golden Agers. There were actually a few people there as nutty as me - it is 109 here today. But I just figured, "well, it's been an incredible Summer, and this is the last Tuesday in Summer, and I already go out when it's 95 or 100 degrees, so might as well go today". I didn't do any strenuous hiking though. I'm not that crazy, lol. Just checked out a little trail that led back to a tree called "The Oak Of The Golden Dream". I'd never been back that way, so I didn't know what the name meant, but it turns out it was the site where gold was first discovered in California. Pretty neat - next time I go back I'll bring a shovel with me (or maybe a pickaxe).

I also checked out a little nature trail they have, the kind that gradeschoolers go to on field trips. And that was all. Now I will stay inside, in the air conditioning, for the remainder of the afternoon, here and at Pearl's.

I hope you had a great day. Maybe you are still up, so I will post this now and then write more later tonight.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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