Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Friday Night! :):) (have an amazing day!)

Hey my Darling,

Happy Friday Night! I hope you are enjoying the start of your weekend, and I bet there is a lot to see and do. :) I just saw your posts, and I see that Stephane is leaving for Princeton. That's quite an accomplishment on his part. He says he will be back to visit, so he is not gone forever, and you will certainly see him again at some point probably not too long from now. I say that in all sincerity, just cause I know you guys go way back. :)

I saw also your cousin's (or uncle's, not sure) picture of him and Joan Rivers. That is pretty cool. I remember her all the way back to her days on the Johnny Carson show. Back then, she was skinny and with no plastic surgery and a beehive hairdo. She wasn't quite as caustic as she later became, probably because TV was stricter back then, and the times were different, but she was always funny. Her red carpet stuff at the Oscars each year was brutal, lol.

Well, I am debating whether to drive out to Santa Susana for my usual (of late) Friday casual hike. I've been to the place so many times in recent months that I know it back to front, been on every trail and up and down every hillside. But, I love it so much that I've been going out there on Friday afternoons, just for a casual, non-strenuous walk-through. And, I guess I am convincing myself that I should go. So I probably will, in a few minutes. If I get there by 3pm, I can stay for an hour and then head back to Pearl's.

I am trying to gear up for some major hikes, maybe this Fall, up to the top of Mission Point and maybe Oat Mountain, too. Oat Mountain is the tallest mountain in the Santa Susana range, at 3700 feet. Not Everest perhaps, but still pretty high up there for a hiker. Three issues could prevent me from doing these hikes. One is if there are any private property issues involved. From what I hear, sometimes there are no clear boundaries between public land and private, and ranchers get mad if you trespass, even inadvertently. So I don't wanna mess with any of those issues. Another thing would be if there is too much ridgeline hiking. I can do a little of that, but as noted before, the dropoffs make me nervous. The third thing would be degree of steepness. If there are switchbacks, i.e. a gradual, winding ascention, then it won't be too bad. But if it's super steep, like the Chumash Trail I did a month ago, then I can't do that for 3700 feet.

But, if there are wide trails, and nothing too close to a dropoff, and no private property issues, and if it's a gradual rise instead of super steep, I'm in! So I'm gonna keep researching it, just to see what I can find. In the meantime, I'll stick with the tried-and-true, so here I go to Santa Susana.....

I will write more later this evening. Enjoy the rest of your evening, my Baby, and then have Sweet Dreams.

I Love You So Much!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:45pm : Good Morning, Beautiful Lady. I hope you are enjoying a nice start to your day, and that the food is good (it's gotta be!) and good coffee (if you drink it). It must be a trip to wake up in a different country. But then, a person can get oriented pretty quickly to new surroundings. I saw your Taya Iv post from last night (today for me). At first, she said her day wasn't going to well, so I hope that part didn't apply to you. I hope you meant just the parts about the animals and farms. I love farms too! You see, when I was a kid, the Valley still had a lot of it's original rural atmosphere. Up to the 1950s, it was farm country. And even when I was a kid, and up to about the mid-70s or so, there were still a lot of traces of old barns, dirt roads, old broken down fences, big overgrown peppertrees, weedy lots. It was great! We have a junior college here called Pierce College, and it was initially a 4F college, where students learned about agriculture and farming, animal husbandry and stuff, and in the 60s you could drive out there to get fresh milk and eggs and veggies. We had roadside stands all over the place, too.

If you ever wonder why I rail against developers, well now you know, lol. :)

But, fortunately I am discovering all the magical open spaces that have been preserved, and they are large in acreage, and they are close - they surround us - and they take you back to the old days.

I am discovering that, in life in general, if you just define what it is you want, and you hold an internal dialogue about it, and then go looking for it, you will find it. It will be right there. I tell this to you because you Get It.

Always hold an internal dialogue, and keep it close to the vest. An internal quest is a huge part of that quiet confidence I have talked about in the past. The knowledge - the certainty! - that you are headed for something amazing. But you have to identify it to some degree, and be strict in holding it in your heart and focusing on it day after day.......and then you will see it start to materialise.

Everything begins in the mind, and is then amplified by the heart. And no doubt it's vice versa, too. But it's yours, and it's special, and all you have to do is want it, and hold it, and it will be yours.

I Love You, Elizabeth. Have an amazing day!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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