Hi, my Darling,
Sorry I am posting so late! I am at Pearl's. All afternoon I was at a local park, listening to some speakers as part of that worldwide GMO/Chemtrails protest that was going on today. If you Google it you'll see what it was. I don't know the name of the actual organisation because I don't usually go to stuff like this. I am not a protest guy, really, although I am certainly against GMO foods and the spraying of chemtrails. Grimsley is a guy who does a lot of this stuff, he went to the Occupy L.A. protests a few years ago, and he wanted me to go with him today, so I did. It began right down the street at the corner of Reseda and Nordhoff, and then we walked down to this park about a mile away.
It was cool, but the speeches were kind of a litany of horrors. I mean, I believe in a lot of that stuff and I know that GMOs are really bad, etc., but again, I am just not a "sky is falling" kind of guy. I have too much faith for that.
Anyhow, I wanted to check in so you'd know I'm here, and also because I love you! I hope you are still awake to read this. I will write more later tonight at the usual time.
Sweet Dreams until then, my Beloved Baby. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:50pm : Happy Sunday Morning! It's that time again, time for me to walk through the village and observe the local Florencians headed for church, a millennia-old tradition and a pilgimage I would love to make myself, even though I might simply observe rather than directly participate. But just to be in that atmosphere would be a wonderful experience. So right now, if you look out your window, you will probably see me, walking with the faithful.......
Yeah, I know I'm weird. But it's just my imagination at work, and I am psychically and emotionally connected to you, and you are there, so I am there too, and I can get a feel for the scene.
It's probably way more modern now, despite the ancient architecture. But I see it like a painting of old, and I imagine myself in it....
I didn't do much for the rest of the day, after coming home from Pearl's. Reading, mostly.
Have a wonderful start to your day, my Angel, and I will see you in the morn, when my Sunday begins.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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