Good Evening, my Darling,
I saw your post earlier this morning, and I just wanted to say "I get it", and no worries. Everything is good, and everything is going to be fine. I hope that, whatever happened, it was nothing too severe. I see that Mom can "like" your posts now, which means she can see when I "like" them, too, so maybe that was it, with your Italian village picture. "OMG, that Adam guy is still around".
Whatever it is, or was, please be kind to your Mom as always, no arguing, etc. I am at Pearl's right now, so I have to keep this message short for now, but I will post more later.
I Love You, and it's a good day.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
2:20pm : I am back from taking Pearl to the hairdresser. To continue with what I was saying - and it's just my two cents worth, no more, no less - I think it's important to allow your Mom to have her say about things, and not to argue about it or get mad at her. She is your Mom, after all, and now you are also away from home for an extended period, and I know I keep repeating this, but it's important to remember that she loves you. I think it's good that you friended her on FB, if that's what happened. I only guess that because I had never seen her "like" any of your posts before, but whatever the deal is, it can only be a good thing if you and your Mom are on good terms. A parent wants to be close to their children, wants a good relationship with a child.
The thing about me, is that I understand the issue. But I also think that the more your Mom sees me, the more she will realise that I'm a good guy. I can imagine the age thing is a huge deal. But all in all, just allow Mom to be Mom, and You be You, and hear her out on things without responding harshly.
Things will even out, and do you know why? Because you are a good person, your Mom is a good person, and I am a good person. That's why. It may take some time, but it will happen. Kindness and understanding are the keys.
Sorry I didn't post last night, but I had nothing major to report, and because I didn't hear from you for a couple days, I just felt like I'd be "listing the daily details". I did go on a couple of minor hikes yesterday, to check out a trail in Woodland Hills that led up to a fire road. You can hike it and come out in Bel-Air, 9 miles away. That's too much for me, at least at the present time. So, I drove back to El Scorpion park, and hiked the half mile out to Cave Of Munits once again. I was baking in the sun, it must've been 105 degrees, but that gives the place even more power, because it's dead quiet there, and this cave is The Real Deal as far as being ancient and mysterious, and you can just feel the spirit of whatever it is, or was, that inhabited the place. The Indians, of course, but a Greater Inhabitant as well. That's the only way to put it. Munits was supposed to be a Shaman, so maybe it was something he conjured up. :)
Anyhow, that was my afternoon yesterday, and then I spent all evening finishing my LBJ book. I didn't go for my walk. My legs were a little tired from trudging up the mountain on Tuesday. It was good to give 'em a rest.
Tonight is CSUN movie night, and we are gonna see P&P's (nickname for Powell & Pressburger) "One Of Our Aircraft Is Missing", a WW2 thriller. As always, I am looking forward to it. I will post this now because I wanna catch you before you go to sleep. I loved the Eric Whitacre post (naturally!), and it was funny, too, but even more - it also reminded me of way back in 2012, when you asked my opinion one time on the subject of repetition in music. How many times was it okay to repeat a certain musical phrase or melody? And I mentioned Phillip Glass as an example, i.e. you can repeat as often as you wish.
Hey Elizabeth, guess what?
I Love You, that's what!
I hope your day was good, and that school is fun, and that you've had an exciting time so far. Sleep well, and have Sweet Dreams, and I will see you later tonight, when you wake up!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:55pm : Good Morning, my Angel. I hope your day is off to a good start. I got back from the movie a couple hours ago. So far I am loving this series. The films we have seen so far by P&P all have to do with what was known as The War Effort, seen from a British point of view. They had to deal with the Nazis in a much more direct way then we did in America (though our war effort was pretty remarkable too). These flims really capture a time, and the spirit of the British people.
I am thinking about my next major hike, out to a place called San Francisquito Canyon. It has fascinated me for a while now, because a long time ago, in 1928, there was a dam that collapsed out there, which caused a disaster. Some remains of the dam are still in place, so naturally - me being me - I am curious to see them. My Dad loved to drive the backroads around these parts, and as I've written before, what is called "L.A." is deceptive, because there is this open country surrounding all sides of the city and Valley. Dad loved to explore, mostly by driving, he was not a hiker, but he had a picture he'd taken of the road leading into San Francisquito Canyon that I saw a long time ago, and I've never forgotten it for some reason. Probably because Dad wasn't a guy to just stop and take a picture of a canyon road. Unlike me, haha.
This canyon is a tad farther than I normally drive on my excursions, perhaps 25 miles, so I will plan it out for a day when I have plenty of time. Also, I will check the usual protocols : is it okay to hike there, is it steep, is it ridgeline, all that stuff. But, I really wanna see it, so it will happen this Fall, at some point.
That's about all the news for this evening. After tomorrow, I have a day and a half off. Gotta be back by Sunday afternoon, but I still get two sleep-ins, so that rules.
I hope things are okay with your Mom, or at least reasonably so.
Have a great day - that's the important part!
I will see you in the morning. Until then, I Triple Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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