Thursday, November 28, 2013

Full & Happy :):) (Creature)

Good Evening, my Darling,

Are you enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner? We just finished ours, and I am back. We started early, around 1:30. Lots and lots of food and drink, even Kobedoggie got into the act. He went into the kitchen when nobody was looking, and he pulled a big turkey bone out of a trashbag, and then brought it back and paraded it in front of everyone : "Look what I got"! I ate a lot, everything was delicious, so now I am beached. But, I will still go on my walk as always, after I relax a while with KUSC on the radio. I hope you had a nice day and a great dinner, whether you are all done or still eating.

I will be back in a little while at the usual time. I Love You So Much, Elizabeth!

xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : Sorry I'm a little later than usual. I was watching one of the two sequels to "The Creature From The Black Lagoon". It's called "The Creature Walks Among Us". Then, after the movie was over, I went for my walk, but I didn't see The Creature.........

Yesterday, I found a dvd set at the Northridge Library, one of the Universal Studios "Legacy" Collections that they made of all their famous monster movies, and it had all three "Creature From The Black Lagoon" movies on it, so I had to check it out. Even though I mentioned the original film many times since I went to Corriganville, I had never seen it, so I had to finally see it. And, even though the Creature Costume is rubber and cheesy by today's standards, there is still something very endearing and classic about that movie, and the sequel that I saw tonight. For one thing, classic black and white cinematography, and great underwater shots, some of which were shot at Corriganville. But mostly, it's a classic because of the story, and a script that features a lot of science, and philosophical concerns, such as the so-called "right" of humans to hunt animals, or in this case a monstrous Creature who is both frightened of and angry at the human scientists who discover it.

It was considered a B-Movie when it came out, something you'd see on a Friday night at the drive-in, but it has remained a classic after all these years, and again, I think it's because of the story. They just don't make 'em like that anymore. And, it reminded me of my trips to Corriganville, which reminded me of you and the amazing late Summer and early Fall we have had.

It's interesting, I think, to go back and examine short periods of time, a couple weeks here, a few days there, just to see what was happening at what point during the year. What you were doing and feeling at a particular time. That's also part of the reason I like to keep a diary, to see how the dynamic changes from day to day. You can maybe go along, sort of in a routine, but then one discovery can lead to another.

This year, I am not exactly sure how it started, and I will have to go back and research it in my diary and in pictures and blogs. I used to just visit local "playground" parks, city parks like Northridge. The kind of place with grass and baseball fields where you walk your dog. But then, something sparked my interest, and I think the first place I visited that was bigger was Vasquez Rocks. Maybe it was your pictures from one of your Special Places, maybe the Sideways Trees place. I will check photos and dates. But that is what I am talking about, how one thing can spark another, and in my case, whatever the spark was - most likely one of your pictures - it led me to Vasquez, and then to the hills at the top of Reseda Boulevard, and after that it exploded, so that I wanted to discover every trail in the area. Along the way, I rediscovered Placerita Canyon and Chatsworth Park North. And ultimately, I discovered Corriganville, which led me to "The Creature From The Black Lagoon", which I finally saw for the first time last night.

So, that's how things work, through sparks and pathways. One thing leads to another. A rock concert leads you to look for other similar good music, and you discover a band via a computer website called Youtube that was only in business for the past five or six years, and about seven or eight months after you discover that new band - seemingly out-of-the blue but not really - you meet A Wonderful Lady.

That how it works. I don't question it, I just follow it.  :):)

What a great weekend it is, the way your birthday ( a special one, your 21st) led right into Thanksgiving. I had a nice day, and I trust you did too, my Darling. I still have a day and a half off left, and two sleep-ins. I am guessing you have the rest of the week off, until Monday, so enjoy.

I usually avoid the whole Black Friday thing, but I may go over to Best Buy and look for a new camera card. But mostly, other than sleeping in for an extra hour or so, I will be around. I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth. Imagine our first Thanksgiving together.   xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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