Good Morning, my Angel Elizabeth,
What a way to wake up, to read such a perfect and beautiful quote! It's so very true in our case, and I am so happy and grateful to be in love with you, to love you and be loved by you. We will be married. :):)
What a wonderful day it is. Thank You Lord.
Here's to a great week, my Darling, as you celebrate your birthday. All good blessings to you, and as always, I send you my love throughout the day. I can't wait to hold you in my arms. :):)
5:15pm : Hey my Baby! I hope you had a good day at school and are enjoying your evening. I am having some coffee and trying not to have any chocolate with it, haha. I just saw Sarah's post and it reminds me of my own variations of Kryptonite. Cheese is one of them for sure. I must be an honorary Cheesehead, if I open a block of cheese (pretty much any kind), the same thing is gonna happen : it's gonna be half gone, at least. Waaay too addictive. :) Potato Chips, same deal. If I open a bag, I can't stop. Peanut Butter is my biggest weakness, and if you eat too much of that, you're not gonna feel too good, lol. Chocolate also. I am pretty good with my dark chocolate, because it has a stronger taste - really rich - and so I can have just a few squares and not want anymore. But, before I left Pearl's on Saturday, she gave me a lot of the leftover Halloween candy we had, cause we didn't get many Trick Or Treaters this year. So I've got a bag of miniature Snickers and Milky Ways and M&Ms in my fridge..........and I'm trying to avoid opening it.
Yep. Cheese, Chips, Peanut Butter and Chocolate. My Kryptonites.
What kind of food is your favorite? For me, I would probably have to say Mexican food. I could get really fat if I ate it all the time, so I don't, but I really do love it. Chinese food, Italian food, those are favorites too. Now I am making myself hungry........
So what are you guys gonna do for Thanksgiving? Getting together with relatives or just something simple? With my family, it's been a tradition for many years, probably like 25 or 30 years, to have Thanksgiving with Pearl's family. It used to be just my folks and my sister who went. Many years ago, I would do my own Thanksgiving, kind of a "rock n' roll" Thanksgiving for a whole bunch of my friends. I would even do all the cooking, and I was pretty good at it. I even tried some Cajun style cooking a few times, inspired by Chef Paul Prudhomme. About 10 years ago I started going to the Thanksgivings at Pearl's. My folks are gone, of course, and so now it's me, my sister Vickie and her family (husband & two sons), and Pearl and her daughter. She will have some Minnesota relatives there this year, too, they just flew in today I think, so I will try and refrain from any Wisconsin superiority ribbing, haha.
Well, tonight I will look for a movie to watch. And then I'll be back later as always.
I Love You, my Darling. xoxoxoxoxo :):)
9:25pm : I just got back from my walk and saw your beautiful post. A wedding in nature would be incredibly spiritual, with an audience of trees, and the sky watching over us. And birds, too. If ever such a setting matched the bond of love between two people, it's you and me and one of our Special Places. You can choose one that is perfect, my Angel. We can even elope, if you want to. :):) I am assuming you still want to finish school, and when you do I will be right here. We will make a good plan for ourselves, and even if we did elope, we could do it without alienating anyone, cause one thing I believe in very strongly is promoting good feeling in families, and I have always gotten a good feeling about your family. I guess the definition of elope really means just to have a wedding by yourselves, so whether you wanted that, or to have your family present, we could do it either way.
But the setting will be beautiful, and you can choose it. I will keep saving my money in the meantime, so we can have a good start to our life together. I Love You, Elizabeth, and I will always do my best for you, and for us, every day.
(back in a few minutes) xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11pm : This is a special time, my girl, your birthday is just a day away, beginning 25 hours from now. My wish is that this will be a week, and a time, that you will always remember. I am sure you already know this, and I know you already experience it, but as you go along, you will see that the energy of memories is a living thing, that special times in your life are not just something you dust off in remembrance but are things that are constantly with you as living parts of your spirit. Moments lived are energies that link you to other experiences and other energies, and when you get to a certain point - and you may already be there now - you will see how profound all these links are to your life.
It's funny, you know, when you are a small kid, and you are having fun, or in school, or doing whatever kids do - just playing with friends - you have a certain idea that life is "this" or "that". For a kid, it means a regimen of school, and following the direction of parents and teachers. But special kids, even at that age, sense that something huge is in the world. I know I did, even if it was just a furtive feeling that would come and go in the blink of an eye.
For young adults, fun and excitement is the name of the game, but then that feeling of something big grows ever stronger, the sense that Life With A Capital "L" is something much more than regimen. Much more than a linear path of material plans and physical actions.
Those plans and actions are what we do as humans, they are part of life. But we also sense something.
We don't know exactly what it is, but the sensation grabs hold of us, and that hold becomes ever stronger once we come to understand it, and ultimately, what was just a vague notion to us as children - that something about Life was Enormous - becomes a persistent idea, and finally a Certainty. The enormity becomes something we must follow after, above all.
And part of what guides us on this path of following, is the energy of memories, of times and moments we have lived, that are stored within us as living parts.
So, I wish you a memorable and wonderful 21st birthday, and I know you are already following the path that was meant for you to follow. That makes me so happy, and to know you, to know you feel these things as I do, is my gift too.
I Love You, my Angel. I will see you in the morning! :):)
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