Monday, November 18, 2013

Just Chillin' (Lipatti)

Good Evening, my Angel,

I just got home a few minutes ago, so I'm gonna hang out till the usual time (8:30), then go for my walk. I hope your school week got off to a good start. After the end of this week, I will get a 7 day break from work. Pearl's daughter and other relatives are coming down for the holiday, so I will have the time off. You will have a few day's break, too, and it will coincide with your birthday so that's perfect.

Well, that's it for now, just chillin' with KUSC and hanging out. I'll write more later......

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:15pm : Listening to one of my favorite pianists, Dinu Lipatti of Romania. Total purity in his playing, nothing fancy, just the music as it was meant to be played, with clarity and heart. Nothing can transport you like the piano, especially when it is played this way.

Piano is restorative, I think. It takes me back to the beginning.

I Love You, Elizabeth.

xoxoxoxo      :):)

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