Saturday, November 30, 2013

Powwow (rare)

Good Afternoon, my Baby,

I was over at the Powwow, watching the dancing. They had dancers from many different tribes, as far away as South Dakota. The costumes are very beautiful, of course. I found myself wondering where they obtained the fabric for such costumes centuries ago, or if they dyed them themselves. The first dance was to honor Native American war veterans, and there was a big emphasis on their service throughout the history of this country. The announcer explained that, as an indigenous people, they have always found it their duty to protect the land, even after it became a country of migrated Europeans. An elder gave a speech about the importance of maintaining their way of life, and he said something that hit home : that it must be a simple life, "free of unnecessary complexities". There was a good turnout of people there, locals as well as Indians, and you got the feeling that the things he was saying really resonated with everyone. I will go back this evening, during the course of my walk, to watch the closing ceremony.

I like your video. :) It's very cute, I have been hearing that phrase a lot, "what the fox says", so now I know where it comes from. I hope you guys win the competiton!

Well, it's back to work for me in a couple hours. But, it's been a nice vacation and holiday weekend. I like the picture you posted earlier this morning, of the photographer under the tree. I will be back at my favorite parks and trails very soon, in the next week or so, and I hope you are getting (or will soon get) the chance to take some pics as well. But the best will be when we can take them together! I will be here for about another hour, til about 3pm. Then I am gonna go to the Libe to return movies and also do a little shopping before I return to Pearl's. I will also re-hookup Chromebook 2 when I get there. And, I will be back here at 6:45.

Badgers are in a real battle with Penn State. I don't know why the oddsmakers made 'em a 24 point favorite, cause Penn's always been a good team. But, UW should still win the game. Go Badgers! And go UCLA over USC! I love the radio station, but always liked UCLA better in sports, haha.

Well, that's all for now.  Except that............ I Love You. That's a 24/7/365 thing!

xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

10:50pm : I'm back on regular schedule now. The Kobester was glad to see me, so there was a lot of tail wagging going on. I listened to the game for a while. UCLA beat SC pretty handily, always a good thing. Sorry to see the Badgers lose to Penn, but they will probably still get a bowl game. And, it's only sports.

Don't get me wrong, I like sports,'s only sports.

I was sorry to hear about the actor Paul Walker. It's safe to say that I was not a steady follower of all the "Fast & Furious" movies (I saw the first one on dvd), I had seen him in a couple other films. What strikes you about a guy like him, is that he was very successful in the genre he worked in, and yet you never heard anything bad about the guy. No trashy stuff. In this day and age, that's rare.

All we can do in this world is love each other, and take care of each other, and be careful. The world needs it's Good Guys. Let's be two of them.  :):)

Here we go into the final month of an amazing Year To Remember........

I Love You, my Darling. See you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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