Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Good Day :):) (5pm Love) (Over The Moon) (life)

Good Morning, my Angel,

I'm on a short break before taking Pearl to the hair salon at 11am. I hope your day is off to a good start. I saw your post about the eagles and other animals that were poisoned. I'm glad they caught those guys. Is the Raptor Education Group the same group who brought the eagle last year, when you took pictures of one? And, have you ever seen one flying overhead? That would be a majestic sight for sure. I see hawks quite often, red-tailed hawks, and I saw two just yesterday morn when I took the Kobester up to the top of the hill at the end of Reseda Boulevard, a few miles from here. That view (and a couple hawks, maybe the same pair!) can be seen in one of my 2013 FB photos, the one that says "Top Of Reseda, Ma"! That's a paraphrase of a famous James Cagney line from a movie called "White Heat".......

.......and heat is once again the theme of the day, and I see the temps are coming up a little. I think you are going to your photo group meeting today, aren't you? That will be fun, and you will be taking many great pictures this year. I hope you get to see the eagles again, too. It was nice for me to go up the hill with Kobi, also, because it got me started on going to my little short-trip trail spots like I was doing last Summer and Fall. I didn't bring my camera yesterday cause it was spur-of-the-moment, but it got me back in the habit of wanting to go, a habit I got out of due to the holidays, etc.

But now I'm back, and so are you! It's a good day, Sweet Baby.

I Love You and I'll check in later this afternoon before I go to the Thursday night movie.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)  Have fun with your photo group!

p.s. I see that the eagles who were poisoned were patients of the Raptor group. I hope, hope, hope it didn't include the one you photographed. Not that it's any better either way, but in any case, I am very sorry to hear this.

5:05pm : Good Evening, my Darling. I'm at Pearl's, right now cooking some lentils, drinking my evening tea. Feeding doggies & kitties. Pearl and I will eat later. I just wanted to say hi before I went to the movie. Tonight we are gonna see Ray's "The World Of Apu", the final film in the Apu Trilogy. I've seen it before, and like the other two parts of the story, it's a great film. I hope your photo club meeting went well. I will be back about the usual time, as always. 10pm, give or take. I Love You and will see you then.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

10pm : Wow, my Baby, that is a beautiful picture of the full moon! Perfect timing, too - I posted my song just as I saw your post. And also, it takes me back.........back to that night in June 2012. There was a full moon that night, and I posted Clair de Lune........and then so did you.

That was a very Special Night.  (cause then I knew something special was happening).

Before that, I'd had a pretty good hunch, but on that night of the June Full Moon, I knew.

We need our own personal Moon In June lyric for that one.

I am just getting home, so I am gonna finish my walk real quick, about 20 minutes worth, and then I'll be back. And I'll be looking at the Moon while I'm out........

I Love You, Elizabeth  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:05pm : I am back again. The Moon was high in the sky, but bright, and it never fails to fascinate me that I can see those mare with the naked eye. Certainly there must have been a time when they were filled with water. Now that you are becoming technically adept at photography, you might want to try some extended nighttime exposures yourself, using a tripod of course. You could experiement with exposure times, just to see what you get, but you could also experiment creatively, to produce images that are surrealistic or in tune with your inner voice. It's too cold out now for that, but in the Spring and Summer, try some night stuff. I believe that thought and intent play a part in the image you get, so get way out there....the sky's the limit.

Tonight's film was excellent, and I'd seen it before, but again, Ray creates cinema that is simultaneously realistic and poetic like few others have done. I am grateful for these things, for this wonderful period in my life. The films I am seeing, the music I am hearing, the books I am reading all serve to enrich this larger experience I am sharing with you. It is both mysterious and wonderful, and I was thinking this morning that it is important for there always to be mystery. Curiosity and discovery. Enrichment along the way. Great art, of all kinds (music, literature, film, etc.) to expand your horizons and to make you feel. Constant learning. Learning from the inside out, rather than the other way around.

Loving, and being loved.

Elizabeth, I thank God I have you to love, and to share these things with. With love, life is enormous.


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