Tuesday, February 25, 2014

From Desert Plains..... :):) (I Love You)

Good Morning, my Darling,

I'm on a short break before Golden Agers, so I wanted to wish you a wonderful day and tell you that I Love You. I like the Alcest poster, very reminiscent of the classic rock posters of the late 1960s, and similar to paisley design patterns. I had paisley shirts as a kid, and I say bring back that style! I still think Alcest will make another North American run now that the album is out. Sometime this year, maybe late Summer after the European festivals are over.

Hey, I just thought of something, since we've been talking about drawing and art, and that poster of the beautiful peacock has patterns that for some reason reminded me of a Spirograph. Do they still make those? A Spirograph was like a gyroscopic pen set-up, using colored pens. It made all kinds of cool patterns.

I'll add it to my list of stuff I need.

I will be on a typical Tuesday afternoon schedule, back and forth to Pearl's church, with a few stops in between to the Libe and store. I'll be at home also, in between.

I hope you are having a great morning, and in the words of Judas Priest,

From desert plains I bring you love!  (Well, sort of. I mean I'm in the Valley, but kinda close to Mojave.....)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:05pm : I see you are still awake, and I like the picture of the nice couple. That's an interesting photo, because I'd guess that they're in New Orleans French Quarter, but then there are the flags in the background. Maybe it's a different city? But I'm stickin' with Nawlins.......

The important part is the togetherness. In life, there is no substitute for it. You can be sitting on the couch together, just eating popcorn and watching a movie, or you can be having an adventure in a new city, seeing all kinds of new sights, and the feeling is the same.

I can feel that feeling all the way from here, and Elizabeth, that is the mark of a couple.

That comfortable feeling.

You and I both have so much of that inner feeling, like a reservoir. We have so much to draw from.

The mark of happy people is that fullness, a satisfaction that is quiet and constant, like a drip feeder.

We have it.

And it won't be long until you and I are together, in person, and we will be the couple in the picture.

And the cool thing is, we already have the happiness built in. We love each other, and we are ready for anything.

Sweet Dreams, my Angel.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):) 

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