Happy Saturday, my Baby,
I'm writing from Pearl's. Today was the usual shopping with Vickie. I am kicking myself, because there was an organ concert at the United Methodist Church last night, and the organist was a guy named Christof Bull, who is really fantastic. I even have one of his CDs. The church, as I've said before, is literally right next door to my building, and I walk past the front of it when I begin my walk every night. Well, about last Tuesday or Wednesday night, I saw that the marquee said "Organ Concert, Feb. 7, 7:30pm". So I thought, "oh, that's this Friday". And I made a mental note of it. I figured it would be the organist from the church (whom I don't know cause I'm not a member), but house organists are usually fairly proficient, and I've been listening to and posting a ton of organ music lately, as you know if you've seen my FB. So I thought, "cool! That's a nice coincidence". And I made a mental note to go.
Well, last night I came home. I was tired, so I just relaxed and read my book for a while. Another Joe Farrell, "The Cosmic War". I was gonna watch the opening ceremonies, but didn't. Then I noticed it was getting later, and I thought, "well, it's 8:30. Better go on my walk". So I did, and right when I passed the church marquee I saw again the announcement for the organ concert. "Awwww, man. I missed it"! I figured it couldn't be much longer than an hour, being a free event, older congregation, etc. I just figured it was a church thing. But, I also noticed the parking lot was packed. "Hmmmm......they must like organ music".
I wasn't too bummed about missing it.........until this morning my sister asked me if I knew that Christof Bull had played at the Methodist Church last night. "Oh! Are you kidding? No wonder the parking lot was packed". He's not that well known, except maybe around here among organ enthusiasts or church people. He teaches at UCLA. Anyway, I forgot about the concert and missed it, I'm a dummy.......
But, I am really enjoying listening to the organ and harpsichord music I've found on Youtube. I was mentioning it to Vickie, and we were wondering what was the earliest keyboard instrument, and she thought it might be the harpsichord. She said, "you know, it's just a harp turned sideways and plucked by pressing the keys". I never thought of it that way, but I suppose it did derive from a harp, and obviously because of the name. And, the harp is one of the earliest of all instruments. Anyhow, keyboard stuff! :)
Grimsley is gonna come over for a while when I get home. He has some final Jay Leno stuff he wants to show me, and some SNL stuff. He's a big fan of comedy shows. But, I'll be back later.
Just wanted to say hi and that I hope you had a nice day.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:15pm : Grim has gone home and I finished my walk. He wanted to show me a lot of Jimmy Fallon stuff, whom he is a big fan of. I saw your post earlier about the recognition of gay marriage by the Federal government. I am a little hesitant to comment, cause I have no idea if it was meant for me to see or just a "like" by you because you support the issue and support your friends. As you know, I support it too, and I also think it's awesome that you show your support to your friends. I say I am hesitant to comment further, but I also know that your message from the other day about not wanting to interact with people sometimes was definitely meant for me to see, and it was your lone message for that day. This message was your lone message for today, so that's why I ask if it was meant for me to see or if it was just a show of support for a friend.
You know what I'm trying to say. My Angel, I asked about this once last year, and I won't question you about it this time, but if you are trying to tell me something, what you should know is that it doesn't matter to me in the slightest. If you meant today's lone post as something for me to see, all I can tell you is that, Elizabeth.............you may not have a true idea of how much you are loved. I mean, I feel dumb even bringing up the issue, and I bring it up only because of your post, and only even then because you sent such a direct message in your last post, that I wondered if this was another direct message, too.
My Girl, you have posted so many romantic messages to me over the past year, so many loving posts of pictures of couples, of Sweet Babies (meaning my reference to you), of brides. So my inclination is to think that today's post is just a straightforward show of support for a friend. But I want to cover all bases, because it's important.
It's important in this world never to ignore things, and never to discount people, and to always remember to tell those we love that we love them. Things matter. People matter.
Elizabeth, my guess is that your post today was just a show of support for your friend, and I say that precisely because of all the romantic and loving messages you have sent me via FB (and just between our Souls) over the past two years.
But, if you are trying to tell me something - and I only say "if" - you should know that not only will I always love you, it's that I do love you. Phrases like "will always" or "I still would" love you sound like a caveat, like a condition, and that's why I say that you may not fully know......how much I love you.
Elizabeth, it's about our souls, our spirits. You see, I've never met you in person, never heard your speaking voice. And yet I fell in love with you. You know how people say to a gay person, "I don't care, I still love you". I can understand the well-meaning of such a statement, but for me it's so far beyond that. I love Elizabeth the Soul, and as I have said, once I met you, I can't imagine my life without you. It's about Souls, and that's where the true romance lies.
Now, of course I find you incredibly attractive, too. You are, simply put, a Gorgeous Woman. But I would want to be with you no matter what, gay or straight, because I love Elizabeth the Person.
But the thing is also, I am your Rock, and I support you with consistency and determination and strength.
I hope you don't mind that I love you, I just can't help it. You are You, and somehow the Universe drew us together. You are never alone, never need to worry. You've got me. Even when you don't feel like talking.
I was hesitant to comment on all of this, but I have. I can only go by what I have seen and felt for the past two years, and I feel that (without being too direct) your post today was just a show of support for your friend. But, if it was meant as a message to me, all I can tell you is I Love You.
Romance is Romance, Elizabeth. I Love You because you are you; your soul is beautiful. But I not only love you, I am with you, part of you, a love you can draw strength from.
I hope I haven't put my foot in my mouth. If I have, please remember that I'm a dumbell!
But all I know is that I love you. Not just "no matter what", but way beyond that. Like permanently.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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