Hey my Girl,
I'm home. I hope your day was good. I took the Kobester up to Northridge Park this morn, bought a new pair of shoes this afternoon, spent the early eve pruning the rose bushes back at Pearl's. I saw your post of Alison Scarpulla's photo. I don't know if the caption was meant to have anything to do with me, or with anything I wrote, but of course I agree with what it says about listening to the Earth and being aware. That's the way I live my life every day. Maybe, if you did mean it in accordance with anything I wrote, you might have meant that I need to do a better job of "listening" to you in order to better understand what you are trying to say in your posts. I don't know if you meant it that way, but if you did, please know that I always do try and decipher every message to the best of my ability. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it a little harder, but I do try.
Basically, I think you know that I'm a pretty easygoing guy. I pretty much wake up in the morning, thank God for my blessings (which are many), and spend my day being amazed by life, just in all the little ways we always talk about. The outer Me (physical Me) is just going to work and doing all the daily routines I do, but on the inside, I live in a near-constant state of wonder and curiosity. Life, as I like to say, is Magic.
But, as I also say sometimes, just because I need to, I'm only human. Therefore, I do get frustrated on occasion, and it's almost always when I can't figure a situation out, or when something isn't clear to me. I was raised, as a little kid, on puzzles and math problems and other toys and things my Dad would give me to make me think, and I love to think, and in that way the whole Universe opens up for me. Not just the physical Universe, but the inner one too, where all the Glimpses and In Betweens are. But in human relations, it's not always so easy to figure things out just by thinking, because emotions are involved. Sigh......
Emotions are what make us human, and being human, we aren't perfect. That's why I always try my best to communicate, because good communication is the best way to avoid a buildup of negative emotion that occurs when one tries to think but can only speculate. Well, I've said all of this before, in a couple of past blogs. I am not a person to dwell on things, though. If something bothers me (whether legitimately or not), I say what I have to say and then I move past it.
From my end, I can only do what I've been doing, which is to write and communicate to the best of my ability, every day. I say "every day", because if people who love each other don't communicate every day, there is not a great chance they can sustain that love. Things drift. But, the good news is that when people who love each other do communicate every day, they have every chance in the world for a lifelong loving relationship.
Anyway, I'm trying my best, and I know you are too, on top of a heavy schedule.
So, I'm right here, and as I said last night, nothing has changed for me. I'm still The Guy Who Loves You. And I will always do my best to communicate, as long as you want me to.
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back later)
11pm : I'm thinking about you and just want you to know that I love all the special things we share, all the little things that give each day such promise. I am grateful for you, Elizabeth, because I know it is not easy to find someone who intuitively understands things as I do, in fact, it is practically impossible. But God stepped in, and I found you.
I hope your day was a good one. xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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