Monday, February 17, 2014

Love To Start The Week (sweet dreams)

Good Morning, my Darling (afternoon to you),

I just wanted to say Happy Monday and wish you a good start to your week. I hope everything is going well at school and home, etc. There is a good feel to things, I think. I'm just puttering about The Pad at the moment. Got plenty of sleep once again, and I will go back to Pearl's at 4:30.

Thinking about you as always, and sending you lots of love. It's a great day.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

11:05pm : I am taking it easy tonight because my neck is sore. Must've slept on it wrong or something. So, I've just been reading as usual, this time about the Edfu Texts of Ancient Egypt (which is what inspired me to post the Nile vid, lol). I went back to Pearl's, everything is good there. Just a quiet day, all in all. Some days we express, some days we absorb. But you are with me all the time, and I can feel you.

I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

see you in the morn....

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