Good Morning, my Baby,
I am just getting back from the Sunday morning dogwalk with the Kobester. I am thinking all morning of you. I hope you are enjoying your day, and I know Spring is not too far away now and soon it will be warming up outside with beautiful days. One thing I know for sure is that I Love You!
I am so glad you are in the World. :):)
Gonna run to the store and then pick Pearl up from choir practice, and I will be back in a while.
All Day Love, Love All Day. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
7:40pm : Good Evening, my Darling. That was a perfect picture this morning - two babies, cause we are each other's Baby. I hope you had a nice day, and I am happy because you are happy. Nothing makes me happier! You may or may not be watching The Beatles right now. I did most of my walk already so I can watch it, and then I will be back after it is over. I am mostly interested in the old footage, the historic stuff. And seeing Ringo and Paul together. I only have the vaguest memory of watching the original show 50 years ago, and what I remember most is how excited my sisters were. But that night really did kick off the explosion of rock and roll, even more than Elvis, because when The Beatles came along, rock became the new creative musical medium. Before, it had just been for fun, for dancing and parties and love songs on the radio for teens. But The Beatles really did change things, and in fact they changed the whole world. So, I'm gonna watch, and I'll be back when it's over, just a few minutes later than usual.
I Love You, yeah, yeah, yeah! (That's my own version......) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:15pm : It was a good overall show, though a bit too heavy on the celebrity stuff for my taste. But then, it was a "Grammy" salute to The Beatles, so there you have it. Now I am listening to the Scriabin piece. I don't know if you saw the Neige interview about a day or two ago at, but he had some good quotes about wanting the option to take his music in any direction at all, which is fantastic, because that was the ethos of the progressive era, which really began with The Beatles, the idea of one thing leading to another. Not overtly letting your influences direct your artistic course, but soaking them in all the same and seeing where they take you, what you output from them. That's how music keeps blossoming.
In the progressive era, we went from "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", to ELP's "Brain Salad Surgery" in just a ten year period of time, and that was possible because of the ethos of musical openness.
Well, my Beautiful Angel, I am wishing you Sweet Dreams, and improving weather, warmth and sunshine soon to come. I am with you at all times.
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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