Hi Elizabeth,
I'm writing from Pearl's, just a little worried cause I haven't heard from you for a couple days. I know you have a ton of things to do, but I was just wondering if everything is okay, just because you were sick recently. I will be back and forth for the next hour and a half, we are gonna take the doggie for a walk and then come back and get ready for Golden Agers. After that, at 11am, I will go in search of the usual Tuesday hike. Anyway, I hope you are okay. Post if you get the chance.
I am thinking about you and I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
7:25pm : Hi. I'm just hanging out at home, watching the World Series. I know you wouldn't be awake at this time of night, but I've just gotta say I'm stumped. I can't think of but a few things that could've happened. I mean, even if you were sick you would have posted something by now, right? So the only things I can think of is that you either don't have Internet access for some reason (maybe your computer went out? iPhone?) or whatever is going on has to do with your Mom, and even then, when that has been the issue in the past, it has not totally stopped you from posting something. So, Elizabeth, I am stumped.
It makes me worry, and it's no fun, I've gotta say. I have only this connection with you - the way in which we communicate - and at times like this it seems pretty tenuous. If something happened - God forbid - I would have no way of knowing about it - unless one of your friends was/is aware of me and made an effort to contact me.
So it's hard when I don't hear anything from you for several days. Usually, when that has happened, and I say, "I'm worried" or something to that effect, then you post something to let me know you are okay. But today, nothing. I guess maybe you don't have Internet access at the moment. That's all I can think of.
Anyway, I'm here. I will check back in around 11:30 to Midnight, as always, and by that time it will be morning for you. Maybe if your computer/iPhone isn't working, you could borrow a fellow student's, just for a moment, to post something just so I know you're okay.
I Love You, y'know? xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:45pm : Still nothing. Now I am wondering if I misinterpreted your last posts. In the "Nothing More" post, I interpreted it from the text, which is why I wrote that blog on Sunday. But in re-thinking it, that again is a band you have never posted (only once before), and the last time, the reference, at least I thought, was for the name: "Nothing More". So maybe on Saturday, when you posted it, you meant "Nothing More" as in no more posts, lol. I say that in jest, but I don't know what else to say. The only other post you made, three days ago now, was of the photo of your friend, looking downward. Is that to be interpreted in a sad or melancholy way? Please help me here, Elizabeth.
I want to enjoy this Halloween week, it's something I look forward to all year, but now I find myself getting ready to go to bed all worried and stressed out once again. I am not sure I want to communicate this way for much longer, it's just too hard for me when these disappearances happen, and this time - no response no matter even if I say "I am worried". If something terrible had happened, or even if you were just really sick with the flu, I would think there would be some notice of it on Facebook, from you, or one of your friends, or your Mom or brother........
So thank God that's probably not what has happened. Well, I will try again in the morning, and I will be up for about another 30 to 45 minutes now. I really hope you are okay, and I really hope that you can respond. We need to have direct communication, because this isn't working.
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