Good Evening, my Darling,
I wanna say Happy Halloween, and I do of course, but I saw your post a few minutes ago and I'm a little concerned. While I obviously agree wholeheartedly (and even more than that) with the message of the post, I am concerned because it's not the usual kind of thing you post, and you posted it early in the morning, possibly for me to see it right away. (?)
So, all of this means that I hope to God nothing even remotely like that has happened. God please no. I worry anyway, because you are in a foreign country, even though your activities seem to be with a group, and chaperoned. But there are a lot of bad people all over the world. I hope your post doesn't indicate that something awful has happened, and that is why I didn't hear from you earlier in the week. Please let me know if you are okay? Your posts before that, which I saw when I got to Pearl's, seem to suggest that all is well. I surely hope so.
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
3:25pm : Good Evening, my Baby. Happy late Halloween Night as well. I hope you had a fun day, and enjoyed some form of Halloween. :) I am just now back from a long, 3 1/2 mile Halloween Hike from Walker Ranch to Placerita Canyon. It's all the same trail, just goes from one end to the other. Wow, it was really great. Totally overcast, so nice and ghostly, but Placerita and especially Walker has that Friendly Ghost vibe, so it feels really spiritual, too. It's like walking through the California version of Sleepy Hollow.
So, that was my early afternoon. I will head over to Pearl's in just a few minutes, to carve another pumpkin and wait for Trick Or Treaters. Hopefully we will actually get a few this year, lol, and maybe our Halloween lights will do the trick! Also, hopefully it won't rain. Boo on that! I've been checking, and as of now, it says 0% precipitation until 8pm, then it goes up to 60%.
You can't have rain on Halloween! What kind of deal is that? So, with luck it will hold off until 9 or 10pm, when all the fun is done. I want Pearl and Kobi to have a fun night tonight, so fingers crossed for no rain.
Sweet Baby, I am still unsure about your post this morn. For a minute, I thought maybe it had to do with your song lyrics to "Wreck" (because I had asked the meaning of the song), and that would of course be a shock to me, to learn such a thing, and beyond horrible for you if that had happened in your life. But then, in re-examining the lyrics, the song does not seem to be about that. I could be wrong, of course. I personally think that not only should rape culture be abolished, but these punks at universities and in general society should not only never get away with such a thing, but ought to do decades - at least! - in prison. Scum, they are.
But because I do not know the exact nature of your post, I will refrain from further comment. If you need to post more about it, I am right here. I am right here anyway, at all times. I will assume it's been a good day, though, because of your earlier posts of your friend who is smiling in the picture, and the other Happy Halloween photo of the Pumpkinhead in the Northwoods. Now I am gonna get ready to go to Pearl's. I'll write more later tonight, at the usual time.
I Love You, Elizabeth. Always.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
1am : Well, my Girl, it was a very good Halloween overall. We got a fair amount of Trick Or Treaters at Pearl's, Kobi wore his headress and pumpkin harness, and it didn't rain. Many blessings right there. You are now in November, the month of your birth, and I will join you in that month in just a few hours.
Have a great Saturday morning. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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