Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Painting Again

Hi, my Darling,

I am still here at Pearl's, finishing the touch-up paint work in the kitchen. No road trips or hikes today and none tomorrow, because it's hair salon day, but Friday might be a good one. Pearl has a big Women's Club meeting that morning, from 9:30 til 2pm, so I can probably do something then. I hope your day has been good. Did you get to see the Blood Moon? I did not, because it was at 3:55am, lol. I wish they would do these things a little earlier, haha. But maybe in Italy, it was earlier.

I will probably be painting until about 1pm or so, then clean everything up and put stuff back where it was. After that, maybe I will go to the Libe to look for books and movies. And Amazon, too. So just a quiet afternoon, nothing major.

Nothing major, except I Love You.

Now that's major!

Enjoy your evening and I will be back in a while.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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