Hi Elizabeth,
I'm just getting back from Pearl's. Today was her crafts day at the Women's Club. No hike again, still pretty tired, in need of new trails, etc. No biggie.
I saw your post a while ago. I don't know if you meant it to pertain to what I wrote about yesterday, but maybe so. I know the issue has been very important to you, and that is awesome, and it's great that you support your friends. So maybe that is the bond that draws you guys together. I don't know if that's what you mean by it, but anyway.....
Like I said yesterday, you just have to take me with a grain of salt sometimes. We have a lot in common, you and I, but we have one area where we are almost polar opposite, and that is in our social natures. I certainly am not anti-social, and in fact I like people just fine - I'm no hermit or anything of the kind - it's just that I have always only desired to have a small core of friends. I am a person who likes to keep things tight, one-on-one, just a few people who "get it" (as I've described before about life), and even then, most of my friends don't fit that bill. I've maybe known four or five people in my life that I've really felt close to - people who "got it" and who got me, and two of those people were my parents. So while I am not anti-social, I do keep things close, and I am not one who is much for small talk. I'm not saying you are, but you have a lot of people who gravitate toward you. I think you probably have more friends, or at least know more people, than all the people I know if you put all their friends and acquaintances together, lol. :) People gravitate to you, and that is a good quality to have, if you have the social personality to accept it and enjoy it, and you do have those things. So it's all good in that respect.
It's just that sometimes, for me, because Facebook is like our telephone line (and our only line at present), it sometimes feels like it becomes a "party line", if you know what that is. Back in the days when everybody used a land line, in some places the operator could patch several people through to a single connection, so they could all talk together. Businesses had (or have) it, too: conference call. I don't know if they still have "party lines" anymore in the cell phone world, and again, I don't keep up with any of that stuff. When you get to know me better, you will see that I'm a pretty old fashioned guy in a lot of ways. Again, it doesn't mean I am reactionary against modernity (because I am always up on all the latest, whether it be news, or technology, or whatever), and it doesn't mean I'm a fuddy-duddy. It's just that I have discovered, over the years, that there's a lot of stuff in this world that I don't need, and which doesn't work for me - doesn't enhance my life. I like to think a lot, so the less that detracts from that, the better. But I digress.
Anyway, if Facebook is our "phone line", it just sometimes feels like it becomes a "party line", and sometimes, with guys like Keith - who I am sure is a good guy - thing get a little exuberant, and then I feel as if I am lost in the shuffle.
But I said all of that yesterday. Hopefully we can get all these communication issues worked out at some point - if you want to, that is. Meanwhile, all I can do is try my best, and I will.
Have a good night and I will talk to you in a while.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
8pm : Good job on the fashion photographs, and congrats on getting into the show. I don't know anything about the fashion biz, except that back in the 70s and 80s, we used to get copies of Andy Warhol's "Interview" magazine, and it would occasionally have pics of Karl Lagerfeld at one of those shows (usually Paris or Milan), or you'd see Mick and Bianca Jagger or, later, Mick and Jerry Hall. David Bowie and Iman. But Karl Lagerfeld was the biggie. He was like a rock star himself in those days.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):) (back in a bit)
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