Thursday, October 2, 2014

Morning/Evening Turnaround (late night love)

Good Evening, my Darling,

You know, I've gotten a little switched around on the time difference, and I have lost track of when I usually start a new blog. When you are here in America, our time difference is only two hours, so a new blog starts with each new day, in the morning or sometimes afternoon. But now, because it is morning for me but evening for you, I can't remember if I started a new one in my morning or your morning. Chalk it up to a brain meltdown on my part. :)

Here's a new blog anyway, and I hope it finds you having a nice evening. The weather seems pleasant in Florence, so you could go for nighttime strolls, depending on the rules of your school or dorm, and of course if it is totally safe to do so, which I imagine it must be. At any rate, nice Italian evenings are ensured. :)

It is gearing up to be superhot here again, beginning today and really cranking up over the weekend, to 106 or so they are saying. It will feel different now, though, because it's October, so it will be a very dry heat, probably with some Santa Ana wind to accompany it. No hikes for me today, though. Gotta recover from two nights of 5 hours sleep. Pearl is getting a perm right now, which should take a couple hours, maybe three, so I can squeeze in a short nap. Tonight I will go to the CSUN movie, which is P&P's "I Know Where I'm Going". A relaxing day and evening are in store here in Northridge.

That's all the news for the moment, my Deer (oops, I mean Dear). I Love You So Much, and I will check in again before 4:30.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

4:25pm : Hi, my Angel. Just sending you some late night love and wishes for Sweet Dreams. I am at Pearl's a few minutes early. Had to stop for supplies before I got here. I hope you had a good day. I am guessing you are back at the school by now, and I hope you are enjoying your courses. Is there more than one course, or is it a single classroom type thing, an overall art course taught by one teacher? I hope you are having a blast in any event. I am gonna put the groceries away now, and I will write more when I get home from the movie.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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