Good Evening, my Darling,
Happy Friday night. I'm at home, doing dishes & straightening up. Everything is good at Pearl's. My post this morn referred to Kobi, of course, and it was a riot because he's never done that before. I put his morning dog food in the bowl, as always, and set it on the floor. Usually, he starts eating the moment I set it down, but this time, he stared at it for a few seconds, then took a tentative step back and did that move a bull does before charging, where he kicks or sweeps a leg backwards. Then he made some grumbling noises and then started barking at his dog food. Staring right at the bowl and barking. I checked, and there was nothing wrong, no bugs or anything. The food was good. Maybe he's getting a little kooky; he is gonna be 15 in January. It was funny, however....
I like your post about being your own boss. You are gonna be your own boss, too, just like your friend, and most importantly, you will be the boss of your life. Actually, you already are, because you have chosen your own road. You may not be making 100% of the decisions yet, but if you think about it, your Mom has been your ally, too. She never said, "No, I don't want you changing your major", or "I don't want you to study art". At least you've never mentioned any such thing. Plus, I've seen your Mom show support on FB for your photos, videos and music. So even if she still makes a lot of the rules, she is your ally and she is helping you to become your own boss. That's why I always say it's best not to ever rebel or burn bridges in life, against parents or anyone else, just because they are in authority. Of course, if a person is ever a truly negative presence, then you burn a bridge, get that person out of your life and don't look back. But as far as I can tell, you have no such people in your life, and everything is pretty good.
I say all of this because I know certain things may be frustrating, and you can't wait to make all your own decisions and call your own shots, but I've seen people do what I am talking about. I've seen people just plain rebel against their parents, move away and strike out on their own, and then have minimal contact with their folks from then on. And I think that is a tragedy. Now, perhaps the people I'm talking about had rotten home lives growing up, I don't know. But I know you don't, and even if things seem a little restrictive here and there, just remember that your Mom is your ally, and she is looking out for you in the long run, and on top of that, from what I can see, she supports everything you are doing. So it's all good, and you are already your own boss in many ways.
I'll tell you what's really cool, and that's to watch from my perspective, because I can remember just two Summers back, in 2012, when you told me you were a linguistics major but your heart really wasn't in it. You said that your plans had been to get your Masters and then perhaps teach. A great career, perhaps, had you really desired it for yourself. And you'd have been good at it, too. But, you wanted to try something else, to try for what you really wanted, which was art & music, photography in particular.
Well, from my perspective, in just two years, I have seen you go from being a linguistics major (an effort not wasted because your linguistics background will always be useful in many ways, and will enrich your life in any case), to changing your focus, and since then you have produced many excellent photographs (beginning a life's body of work), a great, professional-level vocal on the Vaskula ep, and a professional quality video for Good Morning V.
Not too shabby, I'd say!
And I've had the opportunity to watch, from my perch over here. :)
And it's been really great to see.
So I think your are well down the road toward becoming your own boss, and you already are in a lot of ways. In all ways, really, except for those decisions your Mom (and Dad, too) are still in charge of. But just keep going, and remember that family is very important in life, and that your folks are your allies. And I am, too, 1000%.
Good things are going to continue to happen!
That's all for the moment, my Baby. I will check in when I get back to Pearl's at 4:30.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
4:40pm : Writing from Pearl's. I watched a great Mad Scientist movie before coming over here : "The Man With Nine Lives" starring Boris Karloff, about a doctor with a laboratory hidden underground beneath a glacier, where he tests his "frozen therapy"on unwitting patients. Nice n' creepy, and in black and white too. :)
Well, my Baby, with that, I will wish you Sweet Dreams and see you later tonight, in the Italian morning.
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:50pm : Good Morning, my Darling. I was over at Our Lady Of Lourdes until 11pm, watching our local Beatles tribute band Ticket To Ride play at the church's Fall festival. OLL is the Catholic church located just north and across the street from the Northridge Methodist Church, which is next door to me. OLL was my Mom's church. Anyway, Ticket To Ride always plays at their Fall fest, and tonight they played from 8 to 11pm. I have probably seen them 10 or 12 times by now, free each time. They're really good. Grim was there, and our friend Charlie (Charles Ericson in my FB friends). It was fun.
It's getting chilly out, or at least cool enough where I had to wear a light jacket. The horror! :)
I hope you have a fun Saturday ahead.
That's all I know for tonight. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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