Good Evening, my Darling,
So, it may be appropriate to say TGIF today, if finals are all done. If not, you must be getting pretty close. On the one hand, I'm sure it's always nice to be done with the pressure of a final exam or project, but on the other hand, I know you have loved your whole experience in Florence and at the art school, so being at the finish line may feel a little bittersweet. I hope it feels mostly good, though. :)
And, I'll bet you made some lasting friendships, and also, one day you (we!) can go back to visit. :):)
But if you haven't finished up yet, at school, then continue to enjoy every moment! Then will come your two week trip.
Boy, we had another ton of rain fall last night. I came out front this morn to get the paper, at Pearl's, and a tree on the side of her yard had fallen over into the street! It had been a dead tree for about a year, so that probably had something to do with it, but it was pretty good sized, and it is completely blocking the street! Good thing no cars were parked there, and that no one was driving past as it happened. I could see that there were plastic sawhorses set up around it, so the city traffic department is aware of it and will send a crew out to saw it up into pieces and truck it away. Anyway, bring back the drought! I've had enough rain to last me a while....... :)
I am at home and will be here for about another hour, til 3:30. Then I'll leave a little early, to go to the store before going to Pearl's. I'll check in when I get there. Enjoy the rest of your evening!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
4:50pm : Happy Late Night! I'm at Pearl's. They already cleared the fallen tree out of the street. Now it's in pieces at the curbside. City services are quick, at least on something like this. I am gonna help Pearl with some more Christmas cards before dinner, so I will send Sweet Dreams, my Baby, and a hug and kiss for good sleep, and I will be back, as always, at 11:30 tonight. :)
Sleep well. I Love You, Elizabeth!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:55pm : Good Morning, Sweet Baby. I'm sitting at Pearl's kitchen table, browsing Criterion movies at Amazon, looking for Christmas sale prices. Got KUSC turned down low on the radio, all is quiet in the house. Nothing is stirring, not even a mouse.........(nor a Kobedog).
Wait a minute! That part doesn't happen for another twelve days.....get your dates straight, Ad. :)
It looks like the rain is over for the moment, so that is good. I am tired again, but hopefully sleep will be plentiful. I will see you in the morn, Nice Lady.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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