Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I'm at Pearl's. I think Kobi is losing his marbles, at least where his dog food is concerned. He basically barks at it every time I set it down now, as if he doesn't trust it. I tell him, "c'mon now, Kobe. Your dog food has always been nice to you. Why are you barking at it all the time now"? I suppose it's possible that it did something to him that I'm not aware of, in which case it would be sneaky dog food, picking on The Kobester when no one was looking, but somehow, that doesn't seem too likely. :)
Tonight, I tried moving the dog food bowl into the living room, figuring that maybe a change of scenery might help. He still barked at it, but then proceeded to eat every morsel, so the new setting may have helped.
Now to feed the Black Kitty. I will see if she wants to come inside again tonight, after the Kobester is asleep, of course. He'd have a fit if he knew she was in the house, and he might blame it on his dog food. Who knows what he might do then?
I like your post, my Darling. I hope you had another great travel day, and are seeing many sights, both the famous ones and ones you may not have heard of. Where will you be for New Year's Eve? It will be awesome wherever you are. It is super chilly here, has been all day, so I've just been inside mostly. Gotta put a sheet over the tomato plant to keep it from freezing. Pearl says that's an old Minnesota trick. :) It'll be a gorgeous day for the Rose Parade, though. It always is.
Well, I will go feed the Kitty now, and then get things ready for our dinner. I'll bet you've had some great food over there (although I saw Paul's post, and you can have a ton of chicken wings when you get back. It's hard to beat those, no matter what country you're in).
I will write more at the usual time, and so............I send you Sweet Dreams until that time.
And you know................that I Love You So Much! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Midnight + Six : All is quiet at Pearl's kitchen table. Made split pea soup a while ago, perfect for a cold night. The wind is howling outside. We will see if there is any snow on the San Gabriel mountaintops in the morning, as was forecast.
That's all the news for tonight, Sweet Baby. Just hunkering down inside, mainly cause of the wind. I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you in the morn. I'll be excited to hear about your trip when you get back!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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