Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Hi Elizabeth,
Is everything okay? I ask because you haven't posted much for the last few days & nothing today. I know you are getting ready for Ireland, and maybe you are already en route. But, if it's anything else, just let me know. I hope you are feeling well, too. :)

Today we had the kind of all day rainstorm we used to get in Wintertime, before the drought years. Most rain we've had since 2010, and more coming tomorrow, so they say. Too much mud for hiking, so I was inside all day, reading mostly. I am getting the hang of the night shift. Tomorrow morn, we have the Terminix man coming between 7 and 9am to start on the termite problem.

I sincerely hope it's closer to 9 than 7, lol.

Anyhow, I am thinking about you. Post when you can.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo 

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