Saturday, April 18, 2015

?? (trying again)

Elizabeth? Are you there? Just wondering what happened; hope everything is okay. I'm at home for a few minutes, then I'll be going shopping. But I'll be back at Pearl's at 4:30. I hope all is well.

11:50pm : Just trying again. You haven't posted since Wednesday, so I don't know what the deal is. If you don't want me to write anymore, or don't wanna do this, or if you have too much other stuff going on, or for any reason whatsoever, you can tell me. All you've gotta do is say so. I don't know why this seems to have coincided with my birthday, but so be it. There's nothing I can do or say that I haven't said a lot of times before when this kind of thing happens.

Anyway, I am thinking about you. I'll be up for about an hour, then to church at 9:30 tomorrow morn, then back from choir practice at about 1:15. Hope to hear from you.

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