Hi Elizabeth,
I just wanted to say congratulations on your new video project. The whole thing sounds great, and I will naturally be excited to see the finished product. I am also curious about your visually stunning concept. You say it has served you well in the past, so I am wondering what it is! :)
I know the video is gonna turn out great, so congrats once again.
I think, though, that I am gonna stay on the back burner for the moment, just because I still don't know what's going on with regards to your twelve day absence or how I figure into it, or even if I figure into it. I don't know where I stand, in other words.
I don't wanna make a big to-do out of it. I am super happy for you, about your upcoming video and any other projects that may be in the works. I'm right here if you wanna let me know anything, and I don't mean any stuff like hacking or anything of that sort. That was just one of my wild guesses when I couldn't figure out why you were gone, but actually I don't really care about that. The only thing that interests me is how you see things as far as you and I are concerned. If you wanna post anything, I'm here.
I'm not mad in any way (honest), I'm just wondering what the deal is, and trying to understand. So, I'll be here, but the only difference for the moment is that I don't wanna make any assumptions. I would feel really dumb using a lot of endearments and posting songs if there has been a change in things.
Anyway, glad to hear about your video and glad you posted about it. I'm on my usual schedule, as usual. :)
Have a great evening!
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