Hi Sweet Baby,
I see your photo just now, and my caption would be the obvious one : "The cat is out of the bag", or some variation on that phrase. Is it a groaner? If so, sorry! But I couldn't resist, haha. I am at home, just waiting around to head back to Pearl's in a few minutes. It looks like you are at work on another photographic job with the same designer, so that's great! Good things are continuing to happen. :)
I'll be back when I get to Pearl's. I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:05am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. I see that one of your FB friends had the same idea as me, with one small difference. She phrased it as a question. I knew that someone besides me would think of that line, but I did post it first, lol. Not on FB, but here at the blog. If I were using that pic as an advertisement, I would have my caption situated above the cat's head, like a "thought bubble" in a cartoon. In Internet cat memes, cats always think of themselves as "the cat" anyway - they never think of themselves as "me". So, in my version of the ad, it's your picture, with the blurb (or "thought bubble") above the cat's head, with him thinking : "The Cat is out of The Bag". As if he'd been in the bag to begin with.
I don't know what any of it would have to do with promoting the handbag, lol, but for my sense of humor, it works! And the lady on FB thinks so too.....
It's great that you are having these chances to do (or at least be exposed to) commercial work. I don't know in what capacity you are working for the designer (intern, assistant, etc.) but whatever it is, it's good experience.
For me it was a Typical Tuesday - though it was Ritchie Blackmore's 70th birthday, and he has been my favorite musician since I was 12, so it's always a special day in that way. I am also very much fascinated with reading about the oligarch rulers of Venice and their history for many centuries in the machinations of world finance. It's kind of a mindblower that the country of what is now called Italy is a fairly recent geopolitical establishment. I suppose much of Europe as we now know it is also recent, but what I am learning is of the power and domination of the City-State in Europe of several centuries ago, up until fairly recently. Cities, such as Venice, established dominance over wide swaths of land in Europe, and they ruled by oligarchy (family rule) for centuries on end.
I only ever knew Venice for canals. I did not know of it's history of the control of banking.
So, as usual, it's all very fascinating stuff to me.
I hope you had a great day, and it looks like you did! I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
See you in the morning.
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