Good Evening, my Darling,
I'm just checking in to say hi. Nothing to report, really, other than a quick trip to the produce market, I've just been hanging around all day. It was kind of windy and chilly, so I didn't feel like doing any outdoor stuff. Instead, I've just been reading and also watching the first to episodes of "Breaking Bad". Grimsley had the dvd from the library and he left it over here for me to watch. I'd never seen that show, but it's pretty wild and crazy. I can see why it was so popular.
I hope your day has been a good one. I am gonna go for my walk in a little while, and I'll be back later to write more. I still have one final sleep-in, so I can stay up semi-late, lol.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and that I triple-triple........triple-triple........triple-triple Love You.
I could make a song out of it! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back at the usual time)
12:35am : Happy Super Late Night, my Baby. You are probably already asleep, and rightly so because tomorrow is a big day. Everything is gonna go well, and your film is going to receive notice. It's yet another step in the right direction, and soon you will be working on your next film. :)
Not much else to report from me, for today anyway. I have enjoyed my time off, and I even get one last sleep-in tomorrow morn before I head back to work. I will be taking Pearl to her hair appointment, so I've gotta leave here about 11am. I feel nice and rested, everything is good. Got to really catch up on my studies these past few days, and it has been really fun and interesting, in addition to everything else, to try and track my Dad's travels in the war. My next research will be about Nancy, France. That's a town Dad talked a lot about, and I can probably add to the timeline with some info about any battles in that area.
That's all for tonight, Sweet Baby. Tomorrow will be a great day!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Sweet Dreams and I will see you in the morning......
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