Monday, April 20, 2015

Just To Say Hi (phone is toast?) (late night check in)

Hi Elizabeth,

I just wanted to wish you a happy day and a good start to your week. I hope any and all projects are going well, too. I miss hearing from you, but I'm right here as always if you feel like posting.

Have a great day.  :)

7:10pm : Hi again. I just now saw your status update. Maybe that explains it? I am just guessing. I know you've had your phone for a while now, so maybe you've been using it exclusively to post. But before you got your phone, didn't you have a PC?

Anyway, I don't know exactly what is going on, but as I say, maybe your phone being down is the reason you haven't posted. I am glad you did post, though, and I hope everything else is okay. I will be right here, of course, and when you get your phone fixed or are otherwise able to post on FB via computer, I will be glad to hear from you. Right now I'll be around all evening except for my walk.

I'll be an optimist and still sign off with " :):) ". You can let me know if I've got it right.  :)

Have a great evening, Elizabeth.

Midnight : Happy Late Night. Just another check-in to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you. I hope you are still my Sweet Baby. I don't know what the particulars are of your phone being out of service, i.e. if it prevents you from making posts on FB, or if you have another posting source like a PC, but whatever the deal is, I will still be here. Thanks for posting earlier, about the phone. It let me know that you were still here, and that the phone was potentially the reason I hadn't heard from you. I know a replacement phone would be expensive, but maybe the cost to fix it won't be too bad. I hope everything else is good, at home and with everything that you are working on.

That's all I know for tonight, my girl. I wish you sweet dreams, and hopefully I will see you in the morn.

I love you.

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