Good Evening, my Darling,
I am just home from Pearl's. This afternoon, I checked out your professional website, and I see that you have done a lot of updating in the past few days! Excellent job! Everything you have added to your video section, all the explanatory text, is really, really, good. Listing all the reasons a client should choose you - you have articulated everything to a T. Everything is well stated and you have even anticipated an important point when you state that "everyone and their best friend has a DSLR nowdays", and then you go on to explain why they need a professional - You - because you know all the technical aspects of making a video, even including makeup. You do not just click the "record" button - you do it all. You are the one-stop-shopping of video production!
I was very impressed to see all of that added to your site, and to see how well stated it all is. And so, I just had to tell you! I also saw your FB post for a band that is recording at Megatone. Maybe they are gonna be your next project? Just guessin'.
Anyway, super-talented lady, I am gonna relax for a few, cause I'm just getting home. Then I will go for my walk in just a bit, and after that probably watch an X-Files or a Breaking Bad. I'm on Season 8 and Season 4 respectively, almost done with both series. But don't tell me what happens! :)
I will be around all the rest of the night, except for my walk, and I will write more at the usual time.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12: 15am: Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby. The evening was uneventful (which in some ways is good, lol), so I don't have anything more to report. It is nice and quiet here and I am listening to KUSC. I hope your day was good, and I am thinking that you may be already working on your next project. All is awesome.
For tonight I will sign off and wish you Sweet Dreams. Then I will see you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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