Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Late Night Love & Sweet Dreams

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

Sorry about yet another late check-in, but it was a unique day. First I was really tired, from two nights of not much sleep, then I had to do some shopping in the afternoon, and then this evening Grimsley came over to show me some more of his SNL and David Letterman tapes. So I went from exhausted to busy, and now I am hoping that Pearl will stay asleep the whole night through. That will rule if she does.

I hope your day was good. I only saw your one post about the Ultrea release party, so I will take that post as a "yes" to my question of when your video is gonna be released. I hope also that you are taking pictures and/or filming in the interim, or doing something fun. I don't really know what your average day is like, or whether you are working or have all your time to yourself for your own work (hope it's the latter!), but I have no doubt that your current projects are going to attract attention.

I will be better with my blogs once I get a few days off here, and I am always pretty quick to recover my energy following a work cycle. For now, I send you Sweet Dreams and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth. You are awesome and you rule.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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