Good Evening, my Darling,
I am home, just relaxing, gonna wait till the sun is setting to go on my walk. I hope you had a nice day. I must say that I really liked your post this afternoon. I can't recall the person's name, because for some reason when I got home, it's not in my newsfeed scroll anymore, but it had a beautiful message about two people always being there for each other. The picture was of two guys, a guy and his friend, but the words could apply to any two people, so I thought maybe you meant it for me. :)
The guy said if his friend were a girl that he'd "wife" her (a new verb, lol - to "wife"), so that part could definitely apply! :):)
I liked all of it, and it made my day.
I didn't do a lot, except to bring The Kobedog up to CSUN while Pearl was at Golden Agers, but I had a nice day anyhow. The song I posted earlier, "Incense & Peppermints" was a huge hit in 1967. All I did in those days was listen to Top 40 radio, on a very famous station called KHJ. I mean, I did a lot of other stuff as any seven year old would, but no matter what I or my friends were doing, it seemed there was always a radio within hearing distance. So my very first favorite music, after The Beatles, was all the Top 40 pop songs on KHJ in those days. And "Incense & Peppermints", which I am sure you've heard before, was one of my very favorites. They must have played it a thousand times that Summer.
Well, I am gonna do a little bit of reading and then go for my walk. I will be around all evening, and on Usual Schedule, and I will of course write more later tonight at the Usual Time.
Enjoy your evening! I Love You.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Midnight : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby! Did you have a nice evening? Hope you did, and I'll bet you have something in the works. Like I said, even while you are waiting for your next project, you can "do homework" so to speak, just by thinking of visual concepts to some of your favorite songs.
I am kind of doing my homework, too. I have been re-reading my book for the first time since I finished my first edit of it, way back in 2008. It took a humongous effort to write it, and I did it in about six months, from late Summer 2006 to Spring 2007. Then I let it simmer, as they say (i.e. let it sit, or percolate) for another six months, until September 2007, at which time I began my first edit. I got almost all the way through that edit when my Dad got sick in April 2008. Being with Dad after that was first priority, and so the book got put away, and it stayed put away until April of this year, when Grimsley said he wanted to make a copy of it. He had been saying that for years, but lo and behold, he finally did it. I took it to a copy shop with him, and now he has the only other copy of the edited version.
But what happened, when we got back from the copy shop, is that I thought "well, I have finally taken that thing out of it's box after 7 years. I might as well read it and see what I've got". And I've been doing so.
What I've got is a unique story, to say the least, that I think is pretty well written, if super-duper long.
I don't know if you read any of my back catalogue blogs on Myspace, when you first met me, but if you went back to those years, and read anything that the wall....but was still well written (I think) and well articulated (ditto), then you may have read part or parts of my book. Now, it wouldn't make much sense out of context, precisely because it is so strange. But anyhow, that's what a lot of the Myspace blogs consisted of - chapters of my book.
So now that I am finally re-reading it, I have a project, too, and what came with the re-reading was a greater clarity of what happened to me in 1989. Time brings clarity, and this situation required it. My project is not to really do another edit, but rather to try to bring the entire experience to life in what I will call "real time memory", in the normal sense. Picture the way you might remember your recent trip to Italy, for instance. You don't remember it as a vague dream, but in the normal sense of memory - you can picture yourself there, you can visualise the things you did, in your Mind's Eye (and Ear), and most of all, you can feel yourself there. That is what I call Visceral Memory, memory that feels real, i.e. is real.
Normal memory is part-and-parcel of life. Without memory, a human being is nothing but an automaton or forward-moving physical being. In the mind and consciousness, memory is our personal history - literally who we have been, who we are up to this point in our lives.
A person can say, "I am a doctor". How does he know that? Because he has lived his life and he knows who he is, what he has done, who he has become, from child to man. Memory is central to who we are, and in a sense it is everything for the life of a human being.
So what I am gonna do, for my occasional project, is just to examine things, questions and such, that come to me as I am reading my book. I am already about halfway through but it's a long book, so it will take a while for me to finish.
Anyhow, this is all just to say "if you see me going off on weird and inexplicable tangents, that's why"! On Myspace, I always wrote as if writing to myself; as if I were musing on things. So if you see me musing, it's just me working on my project. :)
But of course I will write all my regular stuff, too.
I just figured that my book was just sitting in a box, and it's a story that sooner or later has gotta be told, and there's nobody to do it but me.
That's all for tonight, my Baby. You are probably already having Sweet Dreams, and so I will send you extra.
I Love You and will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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