Hey, Sweet Baby,
I just wanted to wish you a happy afternoon. I'm at home on a shopping break, but will head out in about a half hour or so to hit another store. Gotta get some yogurt and bottled water, oranges and avocados. If you think of anything else, let me know and I'll pick it up. :)
You will probably be getting ready to go to the Ultrea party in a little while, and I will just be gettting back from Pearl's while you're there, so have an absolute blast and take some pictures, too. I'll be back later to see how it went!
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
12:10am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. How did it go tonight? I hope you had a great time and also that the band did too. Hope they had a good crowd for the release party. I imagine you took pics, so if you post any I will look forward to seeing them, though I know it's a professional situation, so I know you may have restrictions on posting........but post if you can and if you want to. :)
All is well here, nice and quiet. Tomorrow morning is choir, our song is gonna be "Send The Light" by Charles Gabriel. It's old fashioned, sounds like a marching song - something by the Salvation Army maybe - but it's fun to sing and I always look forward to singing.
Tomorrow starts Summer, which is gonna be awesome, and I forgot to mention these last couple of nights, but have you seen the sky? I'm sure you have. The configuration of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon has been amazing, like a triangle or a bow. Here in the Valley, with all our light pollution, we don't see many stars, but the brightest planets do show up (when they're in town), and so it was really awesome to see, in twilight as the sky was turning purple, this triangle in an otherwise blank sky.
It looked like an arrangement. There was something perfect about it.
Anyhow, I hope you've been seeing it, and it's gonna continue for a few more days, I think.
That's all for tonight, my Baby. Sleep well and get ready for a great Summer.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
Sweet Dreams......
Super Late Night P.S. : I see just now, by your Vaia Balekis post, that tonight was a good night, and if so, then I am as happy as the kid in that picture! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
You Rule, Elizabeth.
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