Monday, June 15, 2015

Late Night Love & Concepts

Hi my Darling,

Happy Late Night. I see by Ultrea's post, and your comment earlier this eve, that they are playing your bands on the radio? Good Morning V and Ultrea? It looks like they were at a radio station, so maybe they were doing some promo for their EP? All good, and good for you as well. Girl, you are well on your way to becoming well-known in the local rock community (or you may already be!), and that will spread out.

Chicago scene could come calling, too, and after that, who knows? But you are in control of all that, and it will happen in your way. You already know this, but make sure to keep shooting stills at any concerts you go to, especially your bands. Finagle a photo pass whenever you can, so you are shooting up close, or from the side of the stage. Now that you are into it - your career - just shoot and shoot some more, every chance you get. Think creatively, just to get your mind in the habit. Think of a song you like, by any band, and visualise a video concept for that song. Keep your mind attuned to creative thinking every day.

It's like me; how the heck did I wind up singing in a choir? How is that for weird, lol. :) Except that it's weird but good. It's weird, because if you'd told me a year ago I'd be singing in a church choir I'd have asked what you were smoking..........but it's good because I did become a member of a choir - not of my own volition - and it turned out to be a huge blessing because I found out how much I love singing.

So how weird is that, Sweet Baby? It's doggone weird, but in the best possible way, the way of Life Magic.

Most of the influence of life is psychic, and this psychic influence relays all over the place, from person-to-person, to person-to-nature, person-to-sense input (music is huge in this regard, an enormous psychic force), and finally, person-to-God. I know I harp on this a lot, but just continue to output who you are into the world. Not just your desires, i.e. what you want to become, but who you are. That part is important.

It's a trip how it works, but it does work.

It was a good day, good singing in choir and it looks like Summer is finally here, with hot weather coming this week. All is good.

I will see you in the morning, and you know that I Love You.

And, I wish you Sweet Dreams as well.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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