Hi, my Darling,
Well, I did not take my trip Downtown today. I blew it, because I didn't check the train schedule until this morning. I haven't been on the Metrolink train since 2006, but I just figured it ran on a regular, even schedule all day, just like the subway does. But I guess that the train schedule is more geared to business commuters because while there is regular scheduling in the morning and late afternoon, there is a gap in the middle of the day. So, the last morning train from Northridge leaves at 10:50 am. Because I went to sleep so late after Agalloch last night, I didn't even wake up until 10am this morning. By the time I checked the train schedule it was 10:15, and I hadn't had breakfast or coffee..........so I didn't make it. The next train after 10:50 wasn't until 2:40, and that was too late. But my free passes are good til the middle of July, and my next break is coming up fast on June 28. I'll have another five days off then, and now that I know the morning train schedule, I'll definitely make it.
What I did instead was go back out to Santa Susana. I just got back a little while ago. This time, I went on one of my most major hikes that I've ever taken out there. I hiked all the way up the Devil's Slide to the top of the mountain, where the Lilac Lane entrance is on the other side, and then I took another trail a short ways down into the north side of Santa Susana, where Spahn Ranch is. I have been looking for that trail for a while now, and I finally found it. It's a little tricky looking, kinda skinny and overgrown, but I have been looking for it because Spahn Ranch was both famous and infamous. It was once a movie ranch for making Westerns, but as you may or may not know, it was also the home of The Manson Family in the late '60s. There is nothing up there now, no buildings or any other sign of the ranch, just trails, hills and rocks like the rest of Santa Susana State Historic Park, but I've been wanting to hike that section of the park for a while now, and now that I've found the trail, I can do it, later on this Summer.
Today on my hike, I probably already put in about 4 miles, but I've still gotta walk down to Northridge Libe in a little while to return some movies and pick up other ones. But that's good! The more miles the better, I say. It'll keep me in shape for hiking season, and you know something, Sweet Baby? On my way down The Slide I passed another hiker who was coming up. As we got closer to one another, I could see he had two hiking poles and was breathing a little heavy. The Slide isn't the hardest hike in the world, but it's no piece of cake, either. I just thought, "maybe the guy's a newbie". I was breathing hard my first time up, too, last year.
But then as we passed each other, I could see that the guy was a senior citizen. I mean, he looked between 75 and 80 years old! And he was climbing The Slide.
I thought, "that'll be me one day". I think all you've gotta do is just keep doing it. That guy wasn't a newbie at all, and may have been hiking The Slide for decades. When he passed me, I said "Enjoy your hike" and he said "you, too". I thought that was awesome. :)
I hope you have had a nice day, too. I will probably walk down to the Libe at about 7pm, and then I'll be around all evening. And I'll write more at the usual time.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):
7:30pm : Wow! OMG, too! I just got back from the library, and the first thing I saw was that your video had been released. I watched it, and......
Elizabeth! You are awesome.
You are a straight-up professional videographer, right out of the starting block. Everything - your camera angles, camera movement, edits, intercutting of your actress - everything looks and feels great. 100% professional, could be shown on VH1 or any other channel that shows music videos. Your teacher was right, you are a natural at it, you have an instinct for how the shots should flow, and how camera movement should sequence from one edit to the next to maintain fluidity.
I am enormously impressed. You got a great look with the band in the warehouse, a kind of shiny silver/grey backdrop for the black clothes of the band. I take it you used a local trail for your storyline? Maybe that's what you meant by your comment about using a location that has worked well for you in the past? You said something like that just before you started filming. The night shots look great, well-lit, good color balance. Your actress Morgin looks great, too. I take it she is running away? Burning the past? Just a guess, but the lyrics and the torched photos and teddy bear seem to indicate that. Love it!
I have been saying many times that your career has already begun, that you are not "on your way" to a career but are already into it. You showed it when you made the Good Morning V video and now you have cemented it. You should count on more work coming your way, from now on.
Incredible job, I am super proud of you (if I may say so), but I always knew you not only could do it, but were gonna do it. And you have. :)
I will be back later at the usual time.
My Goodness. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:15am : Happy Late Night, Awesome Lady. I see that you have updated your professional site, too, and added a lot of photos, including one of yourself in your bio section. Your site is filling out now, and everything looks professional there as well. Man.......this is a trip, you know? :) Because I am always talking about intent, which is really the psychological projection of one's self-certainty into the world (meaning "certainty of who one is"), and you have always known that you are an Artist (in the all-inclusive sense), and so you have projected that self-certainty, and now it is taking shape, like what happens when a seed is planted.
The projection of self-certainty into the world is done quietly, but with great focus and confidence. As a person who has lived my life this way, I know that second guessing can creep in there from time to time, but the important thing to remember is that the self-certainty is what is real, thus the confidence always wins out. The self-certainty comes from the deepest recesses of your soul, and this is how you knew that you were not meant for a career in linguistics - even though you liked the subject, and even though you were good at it. You now all of this, of course, but just like in the old days of a couple of years ago, I reinforce you. :)
As for doubt, there is no room for it! You have made a kick-ass video, and you are now on track to make your next one. Your intent is in high gear.
You are Stylin'!
This is my last night off for the time being, but I've got another break coming up, and I feel nice and rested after these few days, so all is good. For now, I will wish you Sweet Dreams, Sweet Baby. It's gonna be another great Summer, just like it always is.
I Love You, Elizabeth. I will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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